Play Streets in East Ballard


This past year, Seattle Department of Transportation kicked off a pilot program to introduce Plays Streets in Seattle.

A play street closes a neighborhood street to traffic so that kids (and adults) can have more space for play and physical activity. School play streets provide additional space for recess or other special activities, like a field day. Community play streets help neighbors create more space for play during the summer or after school.

The summer has been successfully kicked off and we’ve heard that a very successful community play street along NW 58th St between 11th and 14th Ave NW has started up again this week and neighbors are inviting families in the ‘hood to join them and see what it’s like. Maybe it’ll inspire you to start up your own play street!

When: Every Thursday 5:30pm-9pm
Where: NW 58th St between 11th and 14th Ave NW
What: Come meet your neighbors, let the kids play in the street. Bicycles are welcome especially since it’s along the Greenway!

According to the Play streets map, there are a few more in the neighborhood. If you’d like us to help spread the word, please contact us!


Keep those Ballard Market receipts coming!


The Happy Ballard Windermere Family

A big thank-you to Windermere Ballard  for saving up Ballard Market receipts for the EBCA! That big envelope of receipts you delivered to us the other day will result in a $245 donation from the Ballard Market as part of their 1% giving back to the community program!

Collecting receipts where you work is a great example of how you can make a really big impact on the East Ballard Community!  These funds will help us pay for upcoming community events, pay for watering/weeding of the median planters along 14th Ave NW and amenities for the future park.

So, keep those Ballard market receipts coming in!

Here’s how you can participate:

  1. Shop at the Ballard Market and save your receipts
  2. Drop them off at Blowing Sands Glass (5805 14th Ave NW) or at a future EBCA event, like our next Adopt A Street Cleanup on May 14 from 10AM-1PM (more details to come)

It’s that easy! Start saving today to make a difference tomorrow!

SDOT’s Neighborhood Street Fund Program – CALL FOR PROJECTS

Do you have an idea for a transportation project in your community?


The Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF) program pays for transportation projects identified and prioritized by the community. Projects range from crossing improvements to creating unique public spaces. Learn about past projects.

What kinds of projects can be submitted?

Projects qualify if they meet the following criteria:

  • Large, but not too large (generally between $100,000 and $1 million to design and construct)
  • Related to transportation
  • Located within SDOT right-of-way (city streets and sidewalks)
  • Have the support of their local neighborhood District Council

Projects that change the number of lanes on a roadway or propose a change to traffic control (stop signs or traffic signals) must also be evaluated by SDOT for feasibility.

How can I learn more?

Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more details about the application process. SDOT staff will be attending District Council meetings in March to discuss the program. We encourage potential applicants to attend one of these meetings and to work with members of their District Council to develop their proposals. Once we confirm these and additional meetings, we’ll add them to our Upcoming Meetings page.

How are projects funded?
In November 2015, Seattle voters passed the Levy to Move Seattle. The 9-year, $930 million levy provides funding to improve safety for all travelers, maintain our streets and bridges, and invest in reliable, affordable travel options for a growing city.

The levy includes $24M to continue the Neighborhood Street Fund program over the next 9 years.  Before 2016, funds for this program came from the Bridging the Gap (BTG) transportation levy, passed by voters in November 2006.

What’s the timeline from start to finish?

The NSF program will have three 3 year cycles to select, design, and build projects.  The schedule for the first of these cycles is as follows:

February 23, 2016 Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF) call for applications
March 2016 Briefings for Neighborhood District Councils on NSF Program
April 17, 2016 Deadline for submitting NSF Proposals to SDOT
May 2016 Screening of proposals by SDOT and selection of 5 projects by each of the 13 Neighborhood District Councils for further evaluation
June – August 2016 SDOT conducts a high level design & cost estimate of the 65 projects selected by the neighborhood District Councils.
September 2016 Each Neighborhood District Council prioritizes its own list of projects.
September – October 2016 The Move Seattle Citizen Oversight Committee evaluates all proposed projects and makes funding recommendations to the Mayor & City Council.
November 2016 2017 Budget adopted
2017 SDOT designs projects
2018 SDOT builds projects


If you have questions, additional translated material, or need help with accessing the application, please contact us at or 206-733-9361.

Greenwood explosion relief efforts


photo courtesy of Seattle Times

In response to the explosion at 85th and Greenwood yesterday, the Phinney Neighborhood Association and the PNA Business Advisory Group have come together to create an action plan. They are in contact with the City and various community members and are consolidating information as they know more. We are grateful to be part of a community that quickly steps up to help.

You can make a tax-deductible donation to the fund for those affected by the explosion here. 100% of the money raised by the PNA will go directly to relief efforts.

Checks can be made out to Phinney Neighborhood Association with “Greenwood disaster relief” in the memo and sent to:

PNA – Greenwood Relief Fund
6532 Phinney Ave N.
Seattle, WA 98103

There are also several fundraising events starting today and through the next week that we invite you to participate to show your support for our neighbors. A complete list of activities and opportunities to volunteer are being kept up to date on the Phinney Neighborhood Center site, here. Some of these activities are right here in Ballard:

Lucky Envelope Brewing will be donating $1 from all full pours and $2 of all growler fills to the fund on Thursday, March 10 (3-9 pm), and will be accepting monetary donations for the fund for the next week.

Populuxe Brewing and Stoup Brewing will be donating $1 per pint to support relief efforts.

Domanico Cellars will be donating $1 for each glass and bottle they sell to help out the business that were affected.


Parks Need You, We Need You

We’re sharing this recent appeal from Groundswell NW, because they are the East Ballard Community Association’s mentor and fiscal sponsor. A tax-deductible donation from you today to Groundswell NW will go toward helping neighborhood groups like us continue to thrive.


Picture, for a moment, the last time you were in a Park. Maybe you were strolling through, walking your dog, taking your child to play, or seeking a peaceful spot to enjoy your morning coffee with a friend.

As you think about it, you realize that parks actually play a pretty important role in your life.  You Need Parks.

But have you thought about how much  Parks Need You ?

Parks Need You  to keep them clean and safe, to care for their plants and trees and bring your family and neighbors together to enjoy them.

Many of the parks, open spaces and habitat in NW Seattle are cared for and loved by community groups, like  Friends of Ballard Corners ParkEast Ballard Community AssociationFriends of Salmon Bay Natural AreaWhittier Heights Involved NeighborsFriends of Crown Hill GlenFriends of Sunset Hill-Shilshole GatewaySustainable BallardFriends of the Troll’s KnollFriends of Thyme Patch ParkBallard Greenways , and Friends of North Beach Park .

At  Groundswell NW, we’re honored to serve these community groups and many more in NW Seattle by providing mentorship, awarding microgrants, providing fiscal sponsorship, and advocating for your parks at the neighborhood and city level.

As much as these groups need us,  We Need You!  Show your support for  Groundswell NW  by making a year-end, tax deductible donation  today.

Thank you for your support, and on behalf of all of us at Groundswell NW, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Dawn Hemminger
President, Board of Directors

Support local artists during Seattle Sampling Dec 4-6

Seattle Sampling is Seattle’s most established and largest holiday arts tour celebrating over 25 years of fabulous arts & crafts!

48 of Seattle’s top professional craftspeople, join to share their locally and nationally recognized work for a 3-day holiday weekend.  Select studios also showing Dec 12th and Dec 19th.

This free, self–guided tour offers holiday shoppers a relaxed and intimate opportunity to meet the artists in their own environments.

First Choice Friday
December 4th
4–9 pm
Join us for the sneak preview
of each Studio’s offering!

Open Studios
Saturday and Sunday
December 5th & 6th
10am – 5pm

Second Chance Saturdays
December 12th and/or December 19th
See map for participating studios and times

Wouldn’t a customized crosswalk be fun to have in East Ballard?

Interested in applying for a Dept of Neighborhoods grant to give an existing crosswalk in East Ballard a makeover? Read below and  contact the EBCA  so we can help you get started!

Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (DON) and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) jointly announced the Community Crosswalks program, a new way for residents to secure neighborhood oriented crosswalks. 

“This is about celebrating and enhancing community identities,” said Mayor Ed Murray. “The iconic rainbow crosswalks on Capitol Hill started a broader conversation on how we can incorporate neighborhood character in the built environment across Seattle. I’m excited to see more history, culture, and community on display for residents and visitors to enjoy.”

Spurred by the popularity of Capitol Hill’s rainbow crosswalks, which were installed in June, residents can now use the existing Neighborhood Matching Fund to request such crosswalks. This will allow unique crosswalks to be approved and installed through an established process, ensuring that they are safe, reflective of community values and can be maintained. 

“Community oriented crosswalks are great ways to represent a neighborhood,” said Kathy Nyland, director of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. “This new crosswalk program will allow interested community members to showcase their neighborhood’s unique culture and history or just liven up an intersection with a colorful design.”

To be eligible for an installation by SDOT, applicants will need to adhere to City guidelines for crosswalk locations and designs. Crosswalks must be sited where vehicles already stop for a traffic signal or stop sign, the design should consist only of horizontal or vertical bars, and the pavement underneath must be in good condition.

“We are pleased that other Seattle neighborhoods are being inspired by Capitol Hill’s rainbow crosswalks,” said SDOT Director Scott Kubly. “Through this joint SDOT/DON effort, we can transform other crossing points into tangible signs of community pride.” 

Crosswalks typically cost about $25 per square foot, depending on the complexity of the design and installation, and can be expected to last approximately 3-5 years based on the amount of vehicular traffic at the location. More information about the program can be found here: Crosswalks installed or modified outside of this process will be reviewed by SDOT and removed/repainted if determined to be unsafe.

The Neighborhood Matching Fund provides matching dollars for neighborhood improvement, organizing, or projects that are developed and implemented by community members. More information about the longstanding program can be found here:

One person’s trash is not another person’s treasure especially when it’s dumped in the street


There has been an epidemic this past month in East Ballard with furniture and trash piling up in the medians along 14th Ave NW. On a recent walk from NW 65th to Market St, almost every block had something dumped in the median or on the sidewalk at the intersection. Even if the original owner believes that perhaps someone would find their beat up couch or lumpy mattress valuable and take it into their own home, the truth of the matter is that your unwanted items end up just sitting there for days or weeks attracting more people to dump their own stuff into the pile and contributing to a neighborhood trash pile until the City comes by and hauls it away.

Is this the community we want to be? Whether you’re a resident (owner or renter), business owner or just passing through, you are part of this community and only you can either continue to contribute to this problem or help resolve it.


Thank-you Fred and Michelle at the Seattle Conservation Corps!

Heroes to the rescue
Thanks to EBCA’s awesome relationship with the Seattle Conservation Corps, who have been watering the planters and weeding the medians on 14th these past years, their work crew this week took it upon themselves to gather up most of the furniture and haul it off in their own truck and take it to the dump. They gathered up what they couldn’t take into a pile at the corner of NW 60th and 14th for another truck to pick up later. Kudos to Michelle and Fred at Seattle Conservation Corps for taking the initiative and being part of the solution!

Now here’s how you can be part of the solution too!

What to do with your unwanted furniture
There are resources available to help you find a new home for your furniture. None are probably as easy as dumping it in the street, but you’ve already decided you’re not going to do that, right?!

If your furniture is in good, usable condition, you may be able to sell, exchange or donate it:

  • Buy Nothing Ballard – Facebook Group page for giving away unwanted items – This is a closed group, so you must request to join
  • Freecycle-Seattle – A Yahoo! group for giving and receiving free items. This is a closed group, so you must request to join.
  • Craigslist-Seattle – a good ole standby for buying, selling and giving away your stuff.
  • Goodwill (or any other donation drop off spot) – If your items are in good condition, this is an excellent option if you have the means to transport
  • Salvation Army – This charity will pick up certain furniture items for free (couches under 8ft long, e.g).
  • Northwest Center – This charity will pick up certain furniture items for free (no mattresses or sleeper sofas though)
  • – This courier service will pickup items and drive them to places like the Goodwill for you for $15 per 15 minutes. It looks like they’re quick to respond and since the Goodwill is so close, this could be a great option.

If your items aren’t in good shape and need to be thrown out, here are a couple of options:

  • City of Seattle Bulky item pickup – For about $30 per item, you can schedule a bulky item pickup by the City.
  • Seattle Transfer Station – If your items are not in good shape to resell, then sending them to the dump may be an option. Unfortunately, the North transfer station is closed right now and you’ll have to go to the Shoreline or  South Seattle station. The cost is $30 per vehicle.

How to report illegal dumping
Of-course, there will be folks who will not have read this post and will dump their items into the streets and medians. Regardless of whether these actions are good-intentioned or just lazy, the fact is that illegal dumping will happen. It’s your responsibility as an engaged member of the community to report this to the City as soon as you see it.

Here’s how:

  • Find it Fix it App – Install this nifty app on your phone, take a picture and report it to the City
  • Report online – Fill out the City’s online report to report illegal dumping
  • Give the City a call at (206) 684-7587

There are many more options that we missed and we’d love for you to share your ideas on our Facebook page.



Check out the newest little park in Ballard


Last Thursday, Professor Winterbottom’s Landscape ArchitectureDesign/Build Class at UW held a dedication ceremony and potluck at the 11th Ave NW Street End Park they designed and installed in just a few months! That’s quite a feat considering what a gem of a little park they’ve given to our community.  This new park and view point is just a hop skip and a jump from the Burke Gilman on the west side of Fred Meyer. Take a few moments out of your day to check it out and you won’t be disappointed. On a bike? Then try out the new bike racks. Like the connection to water? Then set a spell on the boardwalk. Like birds? Then watch to see who nests in the brightly colored purple martin bird houses strung along the park. Coming by at night? The solar powered totem should guide your way.

Check out pics from the dedication and visit today!


Department of Neighborhoods People’s Academy for Community Engagement – applications due May 29

The People’s Academy for Community Engagement (PACE) is a civic leadership development program that builds the skills of emerging community leaders. During the 12-month program, 26 emerging leaders (18 years and up) will learn hands-on strategies for community building, inclusive engagement, and accessing government from experts in the field. PACE has a strong focus on Seattle’s community and neighborhood organizations, and the city’s governmental structure and processes.

PACE Curriculum

These topics will be covered in the 2015-2016 program:

Accessing Government
Community Organizing
Meeting Facilitation
Sustaining Involvement
Conflict Management
Public Speaking
Approaches to Leadership
Inclusive Outreach & Public Engagement
Each session is taught by facilitators from community and nonprofit organizations, along with city of Seattle departments, who have expertise in the topic and in facilitating group discussion.

Sessions and Community Projects
Sessions are held on the third Thursday of each month from 5:30-9 p.m. at Seattle University. They begin in September 2015 and go through May 2016.

From May through August 2016, participants work in teams with neighborhood groups to plan, engage in, and implement community projects.

Tuition is $100. It is payable upon receipt of invoice after acceptance into the program. Tuition assistance is available.

PACE Application Process
Visit to apply online (after April 13). The application deadline is May 29. Notifications of acceptance will be issued by July 10, 2015.

Learn More
Visit for details and the online application. For questions, contact:

Wendy Watson
phone: 206-684-0719

Download a flier HERE!