6.17.15 EBCA Monthly Meeting Notes

Present:  Dawn,  Shannon, Steph, Andrew, Peter, Charlie, Chisaki Muraki (Move Seattle), Carmen Kwan (Move Seattle)

Move Seattle – plans for Ballard (Chisaki and Carmen)
Chisaki and Carmen brought a map of Ballard and solicited input from the EBCA on transportation related projects the City should focus on in Ballard.

14th Ave NW Park
Designs for the park have reached 85% SIP and will soon be submitted for 90%. We’re still waiting for an updated schedule. We have a new Parks Dept Project Manager, Toby Ressler. Patrick Donohue has moved to a new position in Parks. Shannon will set a date for us to meet with Toby.

Planters in the 14th Ave NW Medians
Dawn renewed the watering and weeding contract with Seattle Conservation Corps. Some of the plants are getting too large. A neighbor has volunteered to cut back some of the arbutus at NW 59th. We need to address all of the planters. Can we dig up the arbutus plants and give them to a new home? Maybe a plant sale?

Jason Roberts Talk on building better communities
Charlie attended Jason’t talk earlier on June 10. Jason is the founder of the Better Block Project they took depressed blocks with vacant properties in Southern Dallas and converted them into temporary walkable districts with pop-up businesses, bike lanes, cafe seating, and landscaping. The project has now become an international movement. Check out this inspirational video to get some great ideas: http://www.psfk.com/2014/05/duct-tape-traffic-safety.html

Sept 19 Ballard Summer Parkways
There will be two summer parkways events in Seattle this September. One in the Central District and one in Ballard. This program is replacing the Seattle Summer Streets program. Jordan Adams is the event planner and is contracted by the City to organize these events. He is reaching out to the Ballard community to work with him and to provide guidance. The future 14th Ave NW Park will be a stop along the route. One idea is to do a mock up of the new park to give the community a feel for what it’s going to look like and how it’ll feel. We will need to start planning soon. Funding will be available from the City.

The date: Saturday Sept 19 11AM-3PM
The proposed route: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=zeriuue94jgk.kK9qQxdlpJas&usp=sharing (note that the NE section from 17th to 6th will most likely be NW 75th instead of NW 77th as shown in the map)

EBCA Public meeting location search
Shannon looked into the Ballard High School and found the rates to be reasonable. We will plan on having 3 large audience public meetings a year and see if we can have them at the high school. All other meetings will still be open to the public, but will be held at members’ homes and be focused more on steering committee activities.

August Night Out
The EBCA will not be hosting an August Night Out on 14th Ave this year. We’ll do a big event in conjunction with Ballard Summer Parkways instead.

EIS 2035
Draft Environmental Impact Statement is currently under public review and will be for the next year. The The Draft EIS looks at several different ways that Seattle could grow over the next 20 years and the benefits and tradeoffs of each. The Ballard District Council is putting a group together to study the draft EIS with a focus on Ballard issues and will communicate back to the Ballard District Council on findings. Shannon will be joining this group. They are looking for additional participants.

Next EBCA Meeting
Wednesday July 15, 7:30pm. Charlie will host. Details will be sent out in an email reminder for the meeting. The next meeting will most likely focus on planning for the Ballard Summer Parkways event.