January 10, 2011 – Park Blvd Meeting with Parks Dept

Attendees:  Chip Nevins and Pam Kliment from Seattle Parks Dept, Dawn Hemminger and Zack Thomas from Friends of a Park Blvd on 14th Ave NW

Location: GGLO Meeting Room

  • Pam Kliment is our newly assigned project manager from parks. Pam has a lot of  experience as a Department of Neighborhoods grant liason, which means she’s very experienced working with neighborhood organizations.  This will be her 1st big park project. She’s also an East Ballard resident, which is awesome!
  • Schedule – Planning all this year/Development next year
  • Parks plans to present a complete fiscal scope and proposal to City Council by first quarter 2012, once design, community input and cost scope is laid out.
  • In the meantime, there is money today for Parks to hire a consultant that would do design and cost estimates. Pam needs to find out the procedure for getting the ball rolling in hiring a consultant. One person from our steering committee will have a seat on the selection committee.
  • We need to start communications with SDOT from the very beginning. Pam and Chip are going to work on finding an advocate in SDOT since Casey Hildreth and Jennifer Britton have left.
  • Steph has the go ahead to set up a meeting with SDOT to talk Neighborhood Project funding. Make sure to invite Pam to this meeting!
  • Pam and Chip recommended holding off on applying for grants or trying to secure other funding until next year. The plan right now will be to use Parks money for the bones of the park and then use DON and other grants for amenities, like play structures, etc.


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