July 29, 2010 Planting Partnerships Stewardship and Art Projects Kickoff Meeting Notes

Attendees: Dawn, Shannon, India, Cass


  1. Find out how Cass prefers to use the 15 hours pledged for planting partnerships, e.g. in person training, documentation, etc.
  2. Determine available dates for Cass events
  3. Determine if a stewardship contract should be developed and if so, what the language should be
  4. Find out if we can use PlantAmnesty’s mailing list to promote/solicit support for the Stewardship program
  5. Find out how India would like to engage Ballard High School Horticulture Students in the program
  6. Find out if/how we could get BHS art students involved in the program
  7. Fund Raising ideas


  • Cass prefers putting in her pledged hours in person rather than writing.
  • Cass prefers to work with high school students rather than elementary age.
  • Cass could possibly come  into India’s Jr and Sr horticulture classes to teach a lesson on weeding on pruning. Cass has a tree biology pop quiz that she could share with the students. She has a 1 hour “Pruning Horrors” slideshow she can do as well. Also talked about a live demonstration of tree pruning on one of the trees on the BHS property.
  • A stewardship contract shouldn’t be necessary, however, setting up a schedule beforehand that stewards agree to, is most important. For example, schedule monthly or bi-weekly weeding events. Need to figure out a way to make them fun so that people look forward to attending.


Thurs Oct 14th – Cass will give a presentation at St Als in the evening. This will be a public event where she will provide training on weeding and pruning. This could possibly be a fund raising event.

Sat Oct 16th – Cass will lead a field trip to the planters on 14th to provide hands on education on weeding and pruning. This will be in conjunction with Adopt A Street Cleanup

Mon Nov 15th – Cass will give a presentation at the Ballard High School.

Action Items:


  • Find out if  St Al’s has a room available for Cass’ presentation on Thursday Oct 14th.


  • Confirm Nov 15th date for Cass’ presentation and coordinate with Cass
  • drum up volunteer support from horticulture class to attend stewardship events
  • Find out if Cass can do a live pruning demo on the elm tree on campus


  • Send weeding and mulching doc to Shannon (DONE)
  • Find assistants (weed kings) for Oct 16th field trip

Next Steps for Shanon and Dawn:

  1. plan and advertise for Oct 14th presentation. Coordinate program with Cass.
  2. plan and advertise for Oct 16th field trip, Adopt A Street and evening community event

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