February 16, 2011 – Friends of 14th Monthly Meeting

Friends of 14th Ave Park-Boulevard Meeting

February 16, 2011 7-9pm

Present: Dawn Hemminger, Tim Carroll (14th Ave business owner), Shannon Dunn, Pamela Kliment (Parks Project Manager), Peter Locke

Group Topics the following topics were nominated; those underlined received votes for discussion priority:

Tim Carroll letter to City Council:
Everyone thought the letter was an excellent example of local business owner supporting the project. There were a number of comments about spelling and other minor issues that Tim will revise. Dawn to get Tim a copy of the comments. The letter doesn’t need to go to City Council right away. Should probably wait until it’s a critical time (may be around October).

This letter could be used as a template for other outreach letters. Look at similar letters to go to schools and other neighbors, (the park will serve anyone within a ¼ – ½ mile radius). Shannon will bring a version of the letter for the principal at St Als to review for their support. Could also be used by Ballard High, Shannon will check with them too.

Status on Parks Program:
Pam gave an update on the Parks program for the project. The program should be complete in the next 2-3 weeks. The program will include a complete project schedule as well. Current estimate would be 2-3 weeks to finish program, 2-3 weeks to get approval on the program, then 3 – 3 ½ months to get the consultant team hired. Pam also reported that parks has now met with the Bell St project team to learn about any lessons that we should be looking out for. One of the most important issues was the SDOT street improvement permit with SDOT. Pam will arrange another meeting with SDOT to review this requirement. We also need to confirm with SDOT that the $60K can be used for the project. Dawn spoke with Rob Mattson and he suggested that we should get a letter from SDOT requesting the reallocation to this project as it was originally slated for a separate project. Pam was asked how the consultant team was going to be selected. It will be via an RFP but may be from a recommended list. the 14th Ave committee requested that we have representation on the Parks consultant selection committee. Pam felt that this was appropriate. It was agreed that the location and timing of the sign should be established now so we can start planning for it.

Pam also mentioned that the scope of work would be split into required parts, issues to be addressed and nice to have aspects.

Roles and Responsibilities:
Peter and Zack will be the main points of contact for Parks department. We also need to define other roles for the committee members and others that want to participate. Dawn is especially looking to get definition on her role. Pam confirmed that Parks will be responsible for maintenance of the park once it is completed including having irrigation. If the community decides that they would like to have a special area that is their responsibility (such as a perennial planting bed) that can be worked out also.

Action Items:

1. Peter and Zack to add talking points for the web site (from last meeting)

2. Pam to complete program before next meeting

3. Dawn to forward comments on Tim Carrols letter to him

4. Shannon to create template letter for St. Als to consider for signature (and also for Ballard High)

5. Pam to confirm if the project can start using levy $$s (check in with Michael S)

Meeting Rating: 3.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 3.5 – what would have made it a 4 would be having more involvement with the project in general, knowing who was coming to the meeting, and having attended the full meeting.

Next Meeting: Meet on March 16th, venue TBD

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