August 19, 2010 ebca Steering Committee Meeting

Agenda for ebca steering committee meeting agenda for Thursday August 19,2010 at Dawn’s Home

1. Planting Partnership Steward Program and Education – update from Shannon and Dawn from meeting with Cass and India. We should have a skeleton of an implementation plan ready to present at the meeting

2. Status on 14th Ave Park Boulevard Project – Peter/Zack

  • Latest communications with Parks Dept on Green Spaces Levy Acquisition Funding
  • Teaming up with Great Cities Initiative
  • Grant Writing (DON Large Project Fund – if funding approved for next year, plus any other available grants)

3. 1% program with the Ballard Market to benefit ebca. Bring your Ballard Market Receipts to the meeting and ideas on how we should we advertise. Are there any other “easy” fund raising activities like this we can do?

4. Intersection weeding assignments until stewardship program is in place!

5. Options for addressing future graffiti on planters.

Dawn, Shannon, Zack, Chris


Details about the meeting with India and Cass concerning the Planting Partnerships Stewardship program are here:

Shannon and Dawn talked about a plan on how to get more people involved in the east ballard community and to take responsibility and pride in the the community. This brainstorming was, in part, a breakout from agenda items 1, 4 and 5, but basically a discussion on what the ebca should focus on in the next year.

It was decided that the ebca would sponsor a monthly community involvement day. Here are some of the details we fleshed out. We need more input from the steering committee:

  • The event would be held on the 3rd Saturday of each month (unless conflicting with a holiday, then it’ll be moved)
  • Event days will be scheduled out on the ebca calendar for the year so people can schedule them on their calendar
  • The day will consist of a volunteer event in the morning lasting a few hours (e.g. adopt a street, volunteer at the food bank, yard or house work for a senior, etc in the East Ballard Community). There will then be a community potluck with a theme in the evening. You can attend one event in the day w/o attending the other, but you’ll be encouraged to put your volunteer work in during the year.
  • We’ll get ideas for volunteer activities from the community. There can be an education piece to this as well.
  • The evening events could potentially replace a monthly steering committee meeting if we do it right.

Zack met with Chip Nevins and SDOT recently to start getting a cost  estimation done (scope of services) for the park boulevard on 14th Ave NW. There are some things that need to get done which we should consider applying for in a DON large project grant application.

Intersection assignments for weeding the medians and the planters on 14th have been doled out. We need someone to volunteer for the intersection at 63rd. These will be temporary assignments until we get the stewardship program implemented.

Graffiti on the planters at this time will be addressed by painting a matching color spray paint. KRYLON Camouflage, #4291 Khaki, Ultra-Flat to be exact. Frank Burk, who works with Dave Smith at Blowing Sands, found the match for us and has a can at Blowing Sands for when we need it.

Action Items:


  • Contact Seattle Conservation Corp about how much watering the planters will cost. Will need an invoice from them before October that covers watering costs for 1 year.
  • Coordinate adding compost to planters. If can wait until October, this can be coordinated so that it’s done on October 16 during Adopt A Street on 14th.
  • Intersection weeding assignment is 14th and 59th.


  • Ask Chip for date when the Parks Levy Oversight Committee will be meeting to discuss Opportunity Fund and transitioning Acquisition funds to Development
  • Ask SPU for any studies on file concerning 14th Ave NW utilities


  • Send contact info for Seattle Conservation Corps to Steph
  • Send info for DON Large Project Grant application dates and link to application. (DONE)
    Last year, the letter of intent was due Feb 8th and application due April 13th. There is no new info for 2011. Here’s a link to the info page. I think we need to get a head start:
  • Talk to Craig about Streets for All. Invite him to next ebca steering committee meeting so we can talk about how we can become involved.
  • Intersection weeding assignment is 14th and 60th
  • Email Ernest Isola asking him to not paint over any graffiti on the planters, but to notify us first. We have found a spray paint that matches the planter color and would like to use that instead.
  • Upon recommendation from Laurie Ames, call SDOT to ask for a street cleaning on 14th to clean up the gravel.


  • Intersection assignment is 14th and 61st


  • Intersection assignment is 14th and 62nd


  • Intersection assignment is 14th and 58th

0 thoughts on “August 19, 2010 ebca Steering Committee Meeting

    • Cynthia – a sign on the window and notice on the website would be great! thanks!
      Dar – Thanks for putting out a notice at your office. I recommend everyone do this.

  1. I’ve put out a notice at my office to save Ballard Market receipts, so the collection has started! Sorry I missed the meeting!

  2. Dawn, I can help out for the intersection weeding (14th and 60th) this Saturday or Sunday early morning if you want to do it this weekend.


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