10.15.14 EBCA Monthly Meeting Notes


Dawn Hemminger, Peter Locke, Sue Bell, Stephanie Shelton, Thomas Whittemore

Mark your calendar:

  • Nov 1 adopt a street cleanup 10am to 1pm rain or shine.  Sign in a blowing sands glass. Need volunteers to help set up and break down the event.
  • Nov 4 6:30-9:00pm Groundswell NW Ballard Open Space Plan meeting to present final document from the survey activities. Location not decided yet, but will probably be Ballard boys and girls club.
  • Nov 19 7:30-9:00pm EBCA monthly meeting at Steph and Zacks home

On the radar:

14th Ave NW Park- need to find our from Parks if 60% SIP is complete yet. Legislation to transfer parks levy funds from acquisition to development has still not left the mayors office although jean Godden’s office advised that it had. There are parks committee city council meetings scheduled until Dec 2. What are our chances of getting this legislation on the agenda?

Action items:


  • check Ellen’s shed for adopt a street supplies and get back to Dawn by Oct 22. Make sure there about 20 yard waste bags and 20 yellow garbage bags. If not enough, Dawn will order more from the city.
  • Peter to chat with Deb Gunther about the park


  • Post adopt a street cleanup flyers before Nov 1 event. please deliver copies to blowing sands, Reuben’s brewery, and Greg’s P-patch.


  • Send Thomas contact for greg’s ppatch
  • Send Patrick Donohue contact to Thomas to see if Thomas can attend City meetings that we can’t.
  • Call Patrick to get update in the park and find out why legislation has not moved off the mayor’s desk yet.
  • Pick up hazardous waste container from Thomas at neighborhood center if we want to use it adopt a street cleanup.
  • Send out link to the greenways survey for Sue and others to respond. In particular about the need for safer crossing at the light across 8th at NW 58th. There’s no crosswalk markings or any other precautions in place make that intersection more visible to drivers and bikers moving in 8th.


  • Coordinate food donations from Ballard market. Believe the order has already been given to them. Will just need to coordinate pick up.