October 13, 2011 EBCA Steering Committee Meeting Notes

Location: Shannon’s home
Attendees: ShannonD, LindaF, PeterL, ZackT, StephS, DawnH, Laura-LeeK

  1. Last Minute planning for October Day Out – Adopt A Street Cleanup
    – Shannon and Peter to purchase weeding tools the morning of the event.
    – Stephanie to take a look at the planters and advise what needs to be done in prep for the Winter
    – Stephanie to consider new plantings for the bioswale on the east side of 14th at NW 58th since it’s not getting as much runoff as originally thought.
    – In addition to trash and weeding assignments. We will also include gravel sweeping assignments.
  2. Contract with Mithun for 14th Ave NW Park Boulevard – respond to Pam’s request for number of community meetings.
    – The committee believes there should be 3 meetings.  The first should directly address the concerns about parking and other street-related issues,  and the following 2 should address design and amenities.
    – Propose a kickoff meeting with Mithun, parks, SDOT, and 14th ave committee.
    – Dawn to ask Pam status of contract and number of meetings.
  3. EBCA marketing material and booth display for future events
    – Shannon proposed that we put together a portable booth display kit for the EBCA which would include a table, tablecloth, presentation boards, photos, brochures, etc. We want to project a vibrant community where you can contribute in many ways. With the goals to increase membership, volunteers, and get  support. Shannon will spearhead this project.
  4. EBCA December Event
    – Fundraising progressive dinner?
    -Dessert and wine event at Domanico cellars? Maybe ask Chocolate Vitale on NW 65th to participate. Invite Mithun, SDOT Parks folks as well.  Steph can do the invitation graphic. Mail special invitations. Try Dec 8 th. Planning meeting to come. Steph, Shannon.
  5. Future Meeting Dates – 3rd Thursday of each month
  6. Emergency Preparedness – Linda Frank is hosting a potluck at her home on Oct 26 to get NW 61st prepared. Also talked about building something into the park on 14th for emergency preparedness, e.g. cisterns to capture rain water. Dawn to send Mike Brioli’s contact information to Steph. Dawn to give Linda a copy of sample DON grants from other groups who are preparing their neighborhood for an emergency.

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