January 19, 2011 – Friends of a Park Blvd on 14th Monthly Meeting

Friends of 14th Ave Park-Boulevard Meeting

January 19, 2011 7-9pm

Present: Dawn Hemminger, Peter Locke, Zack Thomas, Pamela Kliment (Parks), Tim Carroll (14th Ave business owner), Stephanie Shelton


Individual Goals for meeting:

Pam: I’ve set up Sara Robertson meeting, will include Terese SDOT

Dawn/Zack explain SDOT re the NPF grant for 60th

Group Topics the following topics were nominated, those underlined received votes for discussion priority:

Website: (DH): We lost our domain name. It’s a priority to get a website up and running prior to Parks publicity. Possibilities: Small Sparks grant (Steph will draft) Zack to investigate cost with Jens to include in grant proposal, Possible community service hours volunteer? -Timeframe may not allow. Ballard gossip girl, ballard tribune, city posting, Dawn has a volunteer commitment to maintain the site once set up done. Go Daddy? Dawn could possibly put a tab on the old website that would redirect people to new site. Need to discuss new domain name possibilities soon. (Dawn sent out three possibilities, final decision 1/25).

Schedule: Parks work: finish community plan –website, sign, consultant–This will be a ‘Large Projects’ process: consultant selection, open RFQ process 15-18% : more $ but more responsive, we can encourage consultants to pull together interdisc. teams, other people can put together with set criteria, DON, Parks will develop, we can look at it and comment. The design program is mostly background, for consultant selection the community can go over questions. Timeframe: March-ish. GGLO cannot compete for the project due to ZT involvement.

2011 NPF Application: (due Feb 1) Safety improvements.

Outreach: (revisit w Tim, build on property owner connection) ebca event, in April Adopt a Street, Pam: we (Parks) should try to coordinate something with that event. Feb event: possibly on the 27th at Dawn’s. Tim: (in answer to DN querry –got involved now because of momentum, more project certainty. Group discussion regarding this more broadly need to maximize potential for this response when Parks info hits the street for publicity.

Is there a way to reach out to other business owners? What is the draw area for Parks publicity? Typically $300 ft for flyer, but we can address a wider area possibly. If someone calls Parks based on sign, etc, Pam will add them to mailer but will offer to put them in contact with us.

SDOT Coordination: Sara Robertson is project coordinator, larger issues, will pull people in, (she is a planner) Agenda topics: Coordination of NPF funds, Roadway configurations and roadway status (arterial flexibility and design standards) Coordination process and funding (SDOT bridging the gap funds) Tim: asked ‘how do you know it will cost 1.5 mi’l –funding and estimate explained.. Dollars to hire a consultant may come from the project funds. Avalon Bay project on W side, they are reconfiguring the roadway, has gone through MUP, (flexible?). We should meet with them to introduce ourselves and get a foot in the door. Where can we place a Parks sign? Restrictions? Traffic Study –do we need it? How do we fund it? …or, part of RFP? Sounds like we will do it with consultant.

Grants – David and xx Groundswell

Tim- learn about project, people support

Current Efforts (this meeting?) addressed by virtue of meeting discussions

Council Support

Pam: good idea to write council members and say – ‘hey, have a great project wanted you to be aware of, etc etc’ Going to council in 2012. Tim has offered to send letters to City council.

Groundswell NW Meeting
Annual Meeting with Sally B. Thursday March 3. Need Presentation (ppt.) Update style. Any community meeting photos? Z will get some higher res pics from Derek.

Added topic: Talking Points? A Frequently Asked Questions approach. Steering committee members brainstorm 3 ideas to Dawn. Michael Harthorne called and asked about project. Parks sends out press release?

Action Items

Pam: write SDOT agenda, send for review

Dawn: domain name

Steph: draft small sparks grant for website funding

Zack/Peter/Steph: email talking points to Dawn (3)

Zack: estimates for website cost, higher res pics from Derek. Get Lyndsie to a meeting.

Meeting Rating: 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3

Next Meeting: Meet on Feb 16th at 7pm Peter or Dawn’s

0 thoughts on “January 19, 2011 – Friends of a Park Blvd on 14th Monthly Meeting

  1. I got the new domain name for Friends of 14th registered. It’s go14thavenw.org. It’s redirecting to this page on the eastballard blog for the time being until we get our own site setup.

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