Gemenskap Park


Gemenskap Park 2018 – 6000 14th Ave NW

Gemenskap Park (formerly 14th Ave NW Boulevard) is a culmination of over 13 years of community building by the East Ballard Community Association and the neighbors and businesses of East Ballard.

The intent of Gemenskap (Yuh-MEN-skawp) park converts two blocks of 14th Ave NW between NW 59th and 61st from existing roadway and parking median to a linear community park green space, green infrastructure, and incorporates safety improvements for people who walk, bike and drive for 2 blocks along the east side of the street. Gemenskap Park, which means community in Swedish, builds on a Visioning process begun in 2006 (14th Ave NW Visioning Project, Carlson Architects) which seeks context‐appropriate safety improvements and green infrastructure and park‐space from Salmon Bay to NW 65th Street along 14th Ave NW.

Project Goals:

  1. Create a community park and greenspace
  2. Address environmental concerns by converting existing stormwater treatment from piped conveyance into on‐site biofiltration
  3. Improve safety in the corridor for all transit users.

The EBCA Steering Committee meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 7:30-9:00 pm. Please contact Dawn Hemminger at if you’d like to get involved.

We post periodic updates about the park on the East Ballard Community Association website


1.14.2018 Gemenskap park tree plan

1.04.2018 Seattle Parks and Recreation will begin construction of Gemenskap park Jan 8

4.20.2017 Final Engineering Drawings for Gemenskap Park

4.19.2017 Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce post for Gemenskap Park contract bid

3.29.2016 90% SIP Engineering Drawings of the park

2.2016 Update and what should we name the park?

10.2015 14th Ave NW Park reached 90% SIP

8.2014 Parks Project Schedule – 8/2014

5.11.14 A new schedule for the 14th Ave NW park

4.12.14 Update on the 14th Ave NW Park Boulevard

Mithun presentation in preparation for 60% SIP review 
Parks Project Schedule – 6/2014

Parks Project Schedule – 5/2014

Parks Project Schedule – 5/2013

Park Schematic submitted to SDOT for SIP – 5/2013

Seattle Parks Dept Website for the 14th Ave NW Park

Schematic of 14th Ave NW Park Blvd by Mithun – 3/2012

Fehr & Peers 14th Ave NW Parking Study – now including 2:30-3:30am count – 5/1 /12

Fehr & Peers 14th Ave NW Walking Audit Summary

Community Involvement Meeting – Presentation/Notes/Comments – 1/24/2012

Presentation Boards  – Concept Drawings and Project History – 2/2010

Planting Partnerships on 14th & Park Blvd PowerPoint Presentation – 2/2010

Seattle Parks and Green Spaces Levy Opportunity Funds Application – 2009

Vision and Action Plan – Carlson Architects – 2006

Meeting Notes/Updates:

September 2014 – EBCA Monthly Meeting Notes including update on the Park
April 2013 – Update from Parks Department

November 30, 2011 – Walking Audit on 14th Notes

June 30, 2011 – Park Blvd on 14th Ave NW Meeting Notes

February 16, 2011 – Park Blvd on 14th Ave NW Meeting Notes

January 27, 2011 – Parks and SDOT Introduction and Coordination Meeting

January 19, 2011 – Park Blvd on 14th Ave NW Meeting Notes

19 thoughts on “Gemenskap Park

  1. Hello Dawn,
    Finally, I’ve studied the website and the blog. I am totally blown away by what has been accomplished. I cannot find enough words to thank you for the work you have done to improve our neighborhood.
    Yes, of course I’d like to be on the email blog list. Facebook, no thanks.
    Here’s a little anecdote. One day, whilst I was working in my garden (also known as my parking strip), a few passersby stopped to chat. This isn’t unusual; what made this particular encounter feel kinda special was that these people remembered meeting me at the August Night Out. How’s that for a concrete example of community building?
    The blog says that meetings are on the 3rd Weds of each month at 7PM.
    I’ve noted this on my calendar as October 19. Kindly advise the location.
    I’ll begin dropping my Ballard Market grocery receipts off at David’s.
    All the best,

  2. My vote is to remove the parking on the park side. Out, damn’d spots!!!
    The reason on-street/curb parking is in short supply is largely the result of many buildings have continuous curbcuts and not a lot of off-street parking. The 5-6 space per block that would be saved aren’t really going to change the parking situation. A wider park area would make a noticeable and beneficial difference to the park. There are a ton of cars “stored” on this street. More space could be made available through enforcement. More spaces could be added throughout the area by reducing or eliminating some of those continuous curbcuts.

    This would greatly improve the walking environment and would be a great complement to adding a park. Also, locating trees along the street rather than, or in addition to, up against the apts. would be best for creating a slower auto environment
    Good luck!

  3. What a great meeting last night! It was really inspiring to see the turn out from the community. We are so lucky to be in the real position of transforming a leftover space from a bygone streetcar era (since a SLUT train line not likely to make it up to east ballard!) into a neighborhood greenway and heart of the community, while making it safer for all users (how safe?…let’s keep pushing for slower speeds! When I walk around I see plenty of parking, but parks???…not so much. Let’s make this a real legacy for the community. cheers.

  4. Can you tell me if and when the 14TH AVE Park will begin? I haven’t been able to find any current updates and obviously the previous schedule has come and gone!
    Thank you for any information you can share.

    • Thanks for your interest Coral. Things are still moving forward with design, just slower than planned. We’re hoping to get an update from the Parks Dept up on the blog within the next week, so stay tuned.

    • Hi Karne. The Park on 14th is still moving forward. We had an exchange of park project managers which slowed us down. It’s now back on track and we’re working on getting an updated schedule from Parks. We should be posting an update on the website shortly!

  5. Pingback: Gemenskap Park | EBCA

  6. Pingback: Gemenskap Park is out for construction bid | EBCA

  7. Pingback: Update on Gemenskap Park | EBCA

  8. Pingback: Seattle Parks and Recreation will construction of Gemenskap Park Jan 8 | EBCA

  9. Pingback: East Ballard Crime Prevention Resources | EBCA

  10. Pingback: Join us Oct 27 for EBCA Fall Festival and Gemenskap Park grand opening | EBCA

  11. Hello everybody else! I wish to be sure you are typical coming. Arrive at the Affiliate Circuit Convention this week and find me to talk organization or simply straight marketing. I’m flying in a day early. Do not just forget about Mitchells and Jareds discussions. And arrive at the Badgerball – I am going to be there! You may even see me doing some DJing 😉 Because of all the affiliate marketing conference and Affiliate Marketing sponsors and I hope to see you there!

    • My friend, whoever you are. I was not surprised to see an email in Hebrew; this does sometimes happen. However, I thought I’d let you know that your email did not go to whoever your intended recipient was, so you may want to try re-sending it.
      The amusing thing is that your note went to a group in Ballard, a historically Scandinavian community in Seattle, WA, USA. It arrived in my inbox because I am part of this community. That is, I live in this neighborhood, although there’s nothing Scandinavian about me.
      I am a Jewish woman with a great big Hanukkiah in my front window. My Hebrew is limited; I can barely manage to muddle through the siddur.
      Along with the Hanukkiah (really a piece of sculpture), at present in my window is a big sign which says “We grieve for Pittsburgh.” Times are tough.
      May you be blessed, baruch atah chaveri.
      Laura-Lee (aka Leah Sarah)

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