January 27, 2011 – Parks and SDOT Introduction and Coordination

Attendees: Pam Kliment, Sara Robertson (SDOT Planning), Ellie Rangel (SDOT Traffic), Dawn Hemminger, Shannon Dunn, Peter Locke, Zack Thomas


1. Talk about roles/responsibilities/communication/schedule for the project; who does what?
Sara will be our direct contact with SDOT. She will be able to coordinate with the different groups in SDOT to answer our questions and coordinate studies as needed. When it comes time to select consultant teams to estimate SDOT related costs, Sara will be able to provide recommendations as well.

2. Traffic and parking studies/data – do you have anything already that can be used?
Neither Sara nor Ellie were aware of any existing studies performed on 14th Ave NW, but Sara advised she would look into this. There are GIS maps available that she advised Pam to look at to see if there is any helpful information. Any SDOT work asked by us will require a billing number. It may be possible to use the $65,000 NPF money awarded to our group in 2010 to be used for this billing. Sara would look into this as well.

3. Based on conceptual roadway configurations, how would we start thinking about permit/inspection and other fees?
It is likely that we will need a Memorandum of Understanding for SDOT/Parks maintenance. It’s still too early to know what else we will need. This should all be scoped out by the consultants we hire.

4. How to coordinate reviews

5. Any information about what is going on underneath or in th estreet that would be helpful?
King County and SPU will be better resources for this information than SDOT. Pam will find contacts at both organizations to bring into this project.

6. Flexibility/possibility for rollin existing SDOT funding into the larger Park project?
Sara talked to her boss and they want to use this money wisely, which means doing a project this year where the park is going to be would not make sense. The money can be rolled into money used for development next year and could also be used to possibly pay for planning this year.

7. Park project sign placement
Ellie will do a walk-through along 14th between Market and 65th and proposed appropriate location options.

Use the 3 conceptual configurations ebca put together to start the conversation about how 14th Ave could be re-channelized. For example, discussion of the advantages/limitations of the arterial classification and options/process for changing to a lower street classification.
There are advantages and disadvantages to declassifying from an arterial to a residential. One advantage is that less expensive materials can be used and speed limits can be set lower. A Disadvantage could be that street funding is generally prioritized for arterials. Ellie will look into what it would take to change the classification of 14th Ave NW between Market and NW 65th from arterial to residential.

Action Items

  • Resource page for Park Boulevard on 14th Ave NW documentation: http://eastballard.wordpress.com/friends-of-14th/
  • ebca to apply for 2011 NPF grant
  • Sara – look into any existing traffic, parking, etc studies performed by SDOT on 14th Ave NW (preferably between Market and NW 65th)
  • Pam and Sara work together to come up with an SDOT billing number and how it will be funded
  • Pam to identify and contact resources at SPU and King County to work with us on our project. ebca’s contact at King County who’s familiar with this project is John Phillips, Water Quality Planner/Project Manager CSO & Sediment Management programs in the Wastewater Treatment Division for Dpt of natural Resources and Parks, 206-263-6543, john.phillips@metrokc.gov.
  • Ellie – provide options for where a Parks Project sign could be placed. Pam will need to provide the dimensions.
  • Ellie – put in a request to install a no parking sign in the median on 14th Ave NW at the south side of the intersection at NW 63rd.

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