March 28, 2013 – EBCA Monthly Meeting Minutes

3.28.13 EBCA meeting


Shannon attended a recent Seattle Police Dept Meeting for the North Precinct where they were asking for feedback from the community. Shannon learned that the Police Dept sponsors “Living Room Conversations“. These conversations are designed to bring together local community members and police officers in a way that is more comfortable and informal than traditional meetings. The small group setting promotes an open dialogue that allows participants to address neighborhood issues directly with officers who work in the area. Shannon recommended that as the Park on 14th construction progresses, we should set up a Living Room Conversation with the community. Another thing she learned is that Ballard does not currently have a beat cop and the doors of the North Precinct are locked, which was considered unusual if the Police Dept are trying to be more engaged with the community.

Aaron provided an update on Ballard Greenways.  There will be an SDOT Open house April 11 6-7:30 at the Ballard high school cafeteria. At 24th and 58th SDOT decided not to prevent left turns onto 58th, there will be a flashing light instead. The Ballard Greenways community group wants to have more discussion with the city this decision.  EBCA will  post  this event on the blog.  The EBCA will plan to write a letter of support for the Greenways after the Open House once we know all of the details of the planned improvements.

Steph did a presentation for Ballard Greenways recently at West Woodland Elementary, which was well received and drew a lot of interest. This was the first time some members of the PTSA had heard about this project.

Steph, Shannon and Dawn met with Darren Morgan from SDOT Urban Forestry last week to talk about permitting and maintenance agreement for the planters along the medians of 14th Ave NW. We also talked about the existing landscaped medians between 56th and 58th, 64rd and 65th and we will propose to partner with the City to have the City remove the existing material and we will write a grant for funding to plant more sustainable plant material that doesn’t affect visibility. We  Need to be sure that short plants installed so wheelchair crossing is safe.  Steph thinks there is irrigation in the medians, but we need to double check

Shannon mentioned Feet First’s  Jane’s Walk may 4 at 10am. It looks like it’s going to be along the proposed Ballard Greenway (along NW 58th). The EBCA would like to partner with this event.

Dawn provided an update on the 14th Ave NW Park. The Parks and Rec website for the Park has been updated. We’re waiting for schedule. Roughly, it looks like Parks anticipates construction documents and permitting to be completed by the end of 2013. Construction to begin in early 2014 with completion in late fall 2014. Parks anticipates full Council action to appropriate the remainder of the funding by mid-2013.

Renee reminded us that Ballard historical home tour will be on  June 23 10am-4pm, $20.  1 home on the tour will be in East Ballard.

Linda reminded us that May 11 9am-12pm will be the city-wide emergency preparedness HUB drill. There will not  be Activating the Gilman Park HUB for this event. The closes will be in Loyal heights.

Adopt A Street on 14th April 20 10am-2pm. We may partner this event with the Friends of NW 65th. We need to get that confirmation before making and posting flyers.

Shannon attended the most recent Parks Levy Opportunity Funds Oversight Committee meeting. Lesson learned for next time is that selections are random. If you can generate activity then you could have a chance of making it on the final list even if Parks didn’t score your project high.

Action Items:

  1. Renew street use permit for 14th Ave NW Planters
  2. Coordinate new plants for the east side bioswale at NW 58th.


  1. Contact Lisa Quinn at Feet First about EBCA partnering/participate in Janes Walk.
  2. Check supplies for Adopt A Street in Ellen’s shed
  3. Sign up with the city for Adopt A Street and order new supplies if necessary
  4. Ask Ballard Market for food and drink (could ask Tony’s for coffee if wanted to do that again)


  1. Ask Patrick for strategy for addressing parking. We need to address parking publicly.
  2. Confirm with Carolyn if we plan to partner with the friends of 65th for Adopt A Street Cleanup
  3. Design and print flyers for Adopt A Street. Hand them off to Renee and Linda for posting
  4. Advertise Adopt A Street event on the blog and send to neighborhood blogs and paper.
  5. Contact Derek bottles for opportunity to be introduced to property manager of Ava
  6. Print 100 nametag  blanks
  7. Print Adopt A Street Assignment maps and sign up sheets.


  1. Send Dawn information on the Emergency HUB event to post on the blog
  2. Pick up Adopt A Street equipment from Ellen’s shed the day of event

Linda & Renee:

  1. Post flyers in neighborhood the weekend before April 20