7.15.15 EBCA Monthly Meeting Notes

Present: Dawn, Shannon, Stephanie, Linda, Peter, Sue, Charlie, Jeanne

Ballard Summer Parkways
Saturday September 19. 11 AM – 3 PM.

  • Brainstorming / planning meeting Wednesday July 22 7 PM Stephanie’s home
  • Shannon handed out a volunteer worksheet task list. Click here for a copy. Homework – fill in this sheet and bring with you for July 22 meeting. If you can’t attend, but want to provide input, send a copy to eastballard@gmail.com.
  • One idea for the event is to mock-up what the new 14th Ave Park will look like (need the latest drawings to be able to do this!)
  • There is approximate $500-$1000 available from the City for the 14th Ave NW site event
  • Stephanie to provide Dawn with a contact from 6th Ave NW Pocket Park to share with Jordan Adams who is organizing this event.

14th Ave NW Park

  • The new Park Manager, Toby Ressler has not been responsive to Shannon’s calls or emails. The next step is to show up at his office.
  • Peter will also contact Mithun, Fehr & Peers and Mayfly to see if we can get more information through the designers.
  • Stephanie to contact Kim Hyeok at the mayor’s office to see if they can apply any pressure
  • Dawn and Shannon will see if Catherine Weatbrook can provide some advice on how to proceed

Median Planters
We’re losing plants due to the heat. Dawn to ask Coney to accelerate watering schedule.

Urban Forest & Green Space Candidate Forum, Sept 16, 7-9pm at Center for Urban Horticulture, http://treepac.org/treepac-events/
The TreePAC mission is to influence the government to protect, maintain and increase the urban forest
Someone from EBCA should attend (need to notify Groundswell NW as well).

Next Big EBCA Mtg
During the previous EBCA meeting, it was agreed that we would hold 3 large format public meetings each year. November seems like a good time to have one. Will plan to hold at the Ballard High School. Hopefully by that time, we’ll know enough about the Park, to be able to have that as the topic.

Emergency Preparedness


August Night Out
August 4. Peter will organize at 61st between 11th & 14th. Shannon and Linda will help.


  • Ballard Bridge Improvements Workshop July 23 (Dawn will be attending)
  • Groundswell NW Fund Raiser at Reubens Brewing July 23 3pm-close ($1 per pint sold will go to Groundswell NW)
    Phinney Ditch Party July 18 3PM –  6th Ave NW between NW 62nd and NW 65th St
  • Charlie will email Michele about Greg’s Garden P-Patch about taking some of the planters in 14th Ave NW medians.

Next EBCA Meeting
Shannon’s August 19.