November 19, 2014 – EBCA Monthly Meeting

Attendees:  Linda, Andrew, Peter, Dawn, Shannon, Sue, Steph, Zack, Ellen, various cats and Bob, the dog.

14th Ave Park:  

1) The park plan is still working its torturous way through the City’s SIP process. Dawn will check in with Patrick Donohue on Monday.  Depending on the progress, or lack thereof, that he reports, we may need to take some further action.  Dawn will let us know and we’ll discuss what to do.

2) The park legislation is coming to City Council on December 2 and possibly December 16.  It would be good if some EBCA people could be at those meetings.  Shannon is in touch with Donald Harris at Parks and will get us the details.

3) Dawn will write an update for the blog about the park in time to let people know about the Council meetings.

Ballard Design Framework:

1) a Design review meeting for the proposed huge office building at 15th & market is happening Monday evening 11/24.  Shannon received some information about the project from David Goldberg which she offered to send around to meeting attendees (DONE!).

2) Dawn will put a notice about the design review meeting in the blog (DONE!).

Ballard Greenways:

1) Andrew will follow up re: some unfinished pieces of the 58th St. greenway at the intersections of 8th & 58th (complete crosswalk on north side of 58th, buttons, striping, etc.)  and 14th & 58th (stripe the crosswalk on the south side of the intersection, repair pavement in front of Blowing Sands and the SW corner of the intersection — Andrew will let the Greenway people know that this area has never been part of the 14th Ave Park scope and shouldn’t wait for that construction). Andrew will also encourage Dawn and Emily from SDOT to work with Patrick Donohue at Parks to ensure good integration between the 14th Ave Park and the Ballard Greenways. Also note that NW 58th and 14th should be getting a 4 way stop per Emily at SDOT. Would be good to get a date for when that’s planned.

Adopt-A-Street de-brief

1) Success!   new people participating, people stopping by taking an interest, enough people came so that work could be done south of Market.

2) Lessons learned/best practices:  Kids vests (Dawn has since bought 6 of them); gather up yard waste cans early (Ellen’s is always available, even if she isn’t).

3) EBCA business cards:  It would be good to have something to give to people with info about EBCA.  To that end, Zack will design an EBCA business card and Steph will be the project manager.

Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness (Gilman Park hub)

1) There will be an emergency response drill in May.  Linda or Cheryl will write a blog post about it in time to let people know.

NEXT MEETING:  December 17, 2014 at Steph & Zack’s
6:30 potluck

7:30 meeting to focus on planning for 2015.

 Dawn will have draft findings from the Ballard Open Space plan.