April 2, 2009 EBCA Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

East Ballard Community Association Planning Meeting
April 2, 2009 6:30pm Dawn Hemminger’s Home

1. Planning for April 18th Adopt A Street Cleanup Event
2. Neighborhood Project Fund applications status and prioritization of projects submitted from East Ballard
3. Status of traffic calming project at 60th and 9th
4. Grant opportunities for furthering 14th Ave NW Vision and “Greening of East Ballard” (DON)
5. EBCA outreach plan – Status on working with Christian Williams at UW

Adopt A Street Cleanup – Shannon and Dawn developed a Standard Operating Procedure for the 14th Ave NW Adopt A Street Cleanup Events. If you unable to attend, please download the doc, review and provide feedback. For the April 18th event, we have the following roles volunteered for. We’re still looking for someone to do cleanup on the day of. If you’re interested in helping out with any of these roles, please post a comment, email or call me.

Planning Roles:

City Coordinator – Mary Lou?
Print Materials – Dawn
Media Outreach – Darlene
Mailing – Shannon
Flyer Distribution – Linda (Darlene said she’d help out)
Refreshments – Shannon

Day Of Event Roles:
Setup  – Dawn
Volunteer Coordinator – Linda
Refreshments – Shannon
Cleanup ?

Neighborhood Project Fund Prioritization for East Ballard

9 projects were submitted for East Ballard out of 40 submitted to Department of Neighborhoods. Two were duplicates, so really, there were only 8.  Department of Neighborhoods asked EBCA to prioritize the list.  Shannon and Dawn came up with a proposed prioritized list which the steering committee reviewed and agree upon the following prioritized list:

  1. 2009-154 – Jason Jerome – Traffic circle at NW 60th and 9th Ave NW
  2. 2009-091 – Dawn Hemminger – Improve existing sidewalk on the east side of 14th Ave NW from NW 46th to Ballard Way, consider crosswalk across 14th Ave NW and evaluate the need for a traffic signal.
    Note: if accepted, EBCA proposes that SDOT install a crosswalk across 14th Ave NW on the south side of the intersection at Ballard Way.
  3. 2009-101 –  Erin Goodell – Install a crosswalk on 8th Ave NW somewhere between Leary and Market that will provide safe crossing for Number 28 bus riders.
  4. 2009-080 – Daniel Kaufman – Enhance safety for peds crossing NW 65th between 5th and 7th Ave NW and enhance visibility of existing crosswalks.
  5. 2009-025 – John Sterlin – Traffic circle at NW 62nd and 9th Ave NW
  6. 2009-108 – Greg Trudeau – Re-landscape existing medians on 8th Ave NW south of Market St. with appropriate vegetation

The projects below were ok’d at our meeting to remove from the list:

  • 2009-070 and 2009-158 – Darlene Sozinho, Linda Frank, Mary Lou Olson – Enhance safety/visibility for peds/vehicles crossing 14th Ave NW at NW 60th.
  • 2009-094 – Shannon Dunn – Sidewalk restoration on NW 65th in front of Ballard High School Property

Status of traffic calming project at 60th and 9th
Jason and Dawn tracked intersection traffic last week for SDOT. This information has been provided to Sam Woods at SDOT for review. Rob Mattson at Dept of Neighborhoods advised that Sam was looking at an alternative traffic calming solution at NW 60th and 11th. Dawn called Sam and left her a message that we were only interested in a solution at 9th and 60th.  Dawn will contact Sam again on Friday to get the latest info and will also get Jason connected directly to Sam as the liaison for this project.

Grant Opportunities for furthering 14th Ave NW Vision
With the possible availability of funds from the Parks levy to be used for a linear park and the interest of new parks directory Tim Gallagher for linear parks, this may be a good time to put some effort into further defining the 14th Ave NW Vision and putting together an implementation plan and cost analysis. A Department of Neighborhoods Small and Simple Grant could be applied for to hire a consultant to help us put this plan together. Grant applications are due July 6th.

The Beautification and Branding of East Ballard
Shannon put together a very well thought out proposal on the Beautification and Branding of East Ballard that she would like to receive input on. The following is the draft mission statement:

Considering the history, geography and current demographic of East Ballard we have extraordinary potential for a vibrant community; attractive to stable and thriving people and businesses ; clean and safe; a distinctive and cohesive neighborhood.

We want to encourage parents to want to raise their children here.
We want artists to be able to afford to live and create here.
We want singles and seniors to feel safe and acknowledged here.
We want each citizen to feel influential and accountable.
We want ( your voice here!)

The Beautification and Branding of East Ballard is a working plan to guide us to a highest quality life by working as a community to encourage a sense of hometown and a feeling of belonging. ( What does that look/feel like to you?)

The BBEB calls on you first then on EB businesses- large and small, on our neighborhood schools and churches and like-goaled organizations. ( Groundswell NW, Feet First, Sustainable Ballard, etc )

Shannon also provided a draft of a very detailed outline which EBCA could follow as a guideline to accomplish these goals. We encourage everyone to review and provide comment Here’s a link to the document:  beautification-and-branding-of-east-ballard-draft. We hope to be able to start implementing the plan at the April 18th event by inviting gardeners to survey 14th and begin coming up with ideas for plantings along 14th.

EBCA outreach plan – Status on working with Christian Williams at UW
We ran out of time to fully discuss how Christian is working with EBCA, however this blog site is one of the things that he is helping us with.  Feedback on what you’d like to see on this site would be helpful!

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