Department of Neighborhoods People’s Academy for Community Engagement – applications due May 29

The People’s Academy for Community Engagement (PACE) is a civic leadership development program that builds the skills of emerging community leaders. During the 12-month program, 26 emerging leaders (18 years and up) will learn hands-on strategies for community building, inclusive engagement, and accessing government from experts in the field. PACE has a strong focus on Seattle’s community and neighborhood organizations, and the city’s governmental structure and processes.

PACE Curriculum

These topics will be covered in the 2015-2016 program:

Accessing Government
Community Organizing
Meeting Facilitation
Sustaining Involvement
Conflict Management
Public Speaking
Approaches to Leadership
Inclusive Outreach & Public Engagement
Each session is taught by facilitators from community and nonprofit organizations, along with city of Seattle departments, who have expertise in the topic and in facilitating group discussion.

Sessions and Community Projects
Sessions are held on the third Thursday of each month from 5:30-9 p.m. at Seattle University. They begin in September 2015 and go through May 2016.

From May through August 2016, participants work in teams with neighborhood groups to plan, engage in, and implement community projects.

Tuition is $100. It is payable upon receipt of invoice after acceptance into the program. Tuition assistance is available.

PACE Application Process
Visit to apply online (after April 13). The application deadline is May 29. Notifications of acceptance will be issued by July 10, 2015.

Learn More
Visit for details and the online application. For questions, contact:

Wendy Watson
phone: 206-684-0719

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