Parks Need You, We Need You

We’re sharing this recent appeal from Groundswell NW, because they are the East Ballard Community Association’s mentor and fiscal sponsor. A tax-deductible donation from you today to Groundswell NW will go toward helping neighborhood groups like us continue to thrive.


Picture, for a moment, the last time you were in a Park. Maybe you were strolling through, walking your dog, taking your child to play, or seeking a peaceful spot to enjoy your morning coffee with a friend.

As you think about it, you realize that parks actually play a pretty important role in your life.  You Need Parks.

But have you thought about how much  Parks Need You ?

Parks Need You  to keep them clean and safe, to care for their plants and trees and bring your family and neighbors together to enjoy them.

Many of the parks, open spaces and habitat in NW Seattle are cared for and loved by community groups, like  Friends of Ballard Corners ParkEast Ballard Community AssociationFriends of Salmon Bay Natural AreaWhittier Heights Involved NeighborsFriends of Crown Hill GlenFriends of Sunset Hill-Shilshole GatewaySustainable BallardFriends of the Troll’s KnollFriends of Thyme Patch ParkBallard Greenways , and Friends of North Beach Park .

At  Groundswell NW, we’re honored to serve these community groups and many more in NW Seattle by providing mentorship, awarding microgrants, providing fiscal sponsorship, and advocating for your parks at the neighborhood and city level.

As much as these groups need us,  We Need You!  Show your support for  Groundswell NW  by making a year-end, tax deductible donation  today.

Thank you for your support, and on behalf of all of us at Groundswell NW, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Dawn Hemminger
President, Board of Directors