Thank you Neighbors for a Fabulous Fall Festival!

We had great fun this morning decorating pumpkins from our favorite local grocer, Top Banana, and noshing on yummy donuts from Top Pot. The pets got some treats from All the Best too! Thank you so much to our Ballard businesses for your donations!

We also had great costumes to show off, so we paraded through the park to the tunes of Monster Mash…

…and even survived a visit from a VERY HUNGRY BEAR!

Thank you neighbors for all the great fun this morning and to everyone who helped organize the event (Casey, Holly, Peter, Katie, Sylvia, Liz and Dawn).

We’re already starting to talk about a Holiday event in December. Reach out to us at if you’d like to help out!

Click on the pic above to see all pics and videos from today’s Festival or click here.