Keep those Ballard Market receipts coming!


The Happy Ballard Windermere Family

A big thank-you to Windermere Ballard  for saving up Ballard Market receipts for the EBCA! That big envelope of receipts you delivered to us the other day will result in a $245 donation from the Ballard Market as part of their 1% giving back to the community program!

Collecting receipts where you work is a great example of how you can make a really big impact on the East Ballard Community!  These funds will help us pay for upcoming community events, pay for watering/weeding of the median planters along 14th Ave NW and amenities for the future park.

So, keep those Ballard market receipts coming in!

Here’s how you can participate:

  1. Shop at the Ballard Market and save your receipts
  2. Drop them off at Blowing Sands Glass (5805 14th Ave NW) or at a future EBCA event, like our next Adopt A Street Cleanup on May 14 from 10AM-1PM (more details to come)

It’s that easy! Start saving today to make a difference tomorrow!