SDOT’s Neighborhood Street Fund Program – CALL FOR PROJECTS

Do you have an idea for a transportation project in your community?


The Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF) program pays for transportation projects identified and prioritized by the community. Projects range from crossing improvements to creating unique public spaces. Learn about past projects.

What kinds of projects can be submitted?

Projects qualify if they meet the following criteria:

  • Large, but not too large (generally between $100,000 and $1 million to design and construct)
  • Related to transportation
  • Located within SDOT right-of-way (city streets and sidewalks)
  • Have the support of their local neighborhood District Council

Projects that change the number of lanes on a roadway or propose a change to traffic control (stop signs or traffic signals) must also be evaluated by SDOT for feasibility.

How can I learn more?

Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more details about the application process. SDOT staff will be attending District Council meetings in March to discuss the program. We encourage potential applicants to attend one of these meetings and to work with members of their District Council to develop their proposals. Once we confirm these and additional meetings, we’ll add them to our Upcoming Meetings page.

How are projects funded?
In November 2015, Seattle voters passed the Levy to Move Seattle. The 9-year, $930 million levy provides funding to improve safety for all travelers, maintain our streets and bridges, and invest in reliable, affordable travel options for a growing city.

The levy includes $24M to continue the Neighborhood Street Fund program over the next 9 years.  Before 2016, funds for this program came from the Bridging the Gap (BTG) transportation levy, passed by voters in November 2006.

What’s the timeline from start to finish?

The NSF program will have three 3 year cycles to select, design, and build projects.  The schedule for the first of these cycles is as follows:

February 23, 2016 Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF) call for applications
March 2016 Briefings for Neighborhood District Councils on NSF Program
April 17, 2016 Deadline for submitting NSF Proposals to SDOT
May 2016 Screening of proposals by SDOT and selection of 5 projects by each of the 13 Neighborhood District Councils for further evaluation
June – August 2016 SDOT conducts a high level design & cost estimate of the 65 projects selected by the neighborhood District Councils.
September 2016 Each Neighborhood District Council prioritizes its own list of projects.
September – October 2016 The Move Seattle Citizen Oversight Committee evaluates all proposed projects and makes funding recommendations to the Mayor & City Council.
November 2016 2017 Budget adopted
2017 SDOT designs projects
2018 SDOT builds projects


If you have questions, additional translated material, or need help with accessing the application, please contact us at or 206-733-9361.