The 14th Ave NW Park could actually break ground this year!


We are encouraged to share the following email message from Jesús Aguirre, our new Superintendent of Seattle Parks and Recreation, that was sent to a few members of the EBCA who had written to him and City Council asking for their support in ensuring that the 14th Ave NW Park doesn’t suffer from any more setbacks. Councilmembers Mike O’Brien and Debora Juarez have also pledged their support for the park. We appreciate the support and are looking forward to working more with the City as this project moves toward completion. If you’re interested in seeing the latest engineering drawings, click here.

From: Aguirre, Jesús
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 7:42 AM

Subject: Re: 14th Ave NW Park – Where’s the green?

An update from our Planning and Development Division:

Plans for the new Park are currently going through the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) Street Use Street Improvement Permit, or SIP process, for approval since the new Park is in Street Right of Way.  We have resubmitted corrections to our 90% plans on March 11 and are now waiting for SDOT to complete its normal review correction cycle.  They have indicated to us that internal comments will be due by 3/31/16 and are planning to turn them around for correction consideration as soon as possible after the due date.  

Once this review cycle is completed we make any necessary corrections required to obtain the SIP permit.  We will then proceed directly to preparing the final bid documents for review by City Contracting, then advertisement for bid, bid opening, award contract, preconstruction meeting and notice to proceed .   Once the SIP permit is received we expect the remaining tasks to take approximately five months before construction actually begins.   We expect to receive the SIP permit in April which would result in a construction start in early September 2016.  

Seattle Parks and Recreation is committed to this project and is very excited about adding open space in the Ballard neighborhood.

Thank you!

Jesús Aguirre
Seattle Parks and Recreation