The latest tally for naming the 14th Ave NW Park


Thank you neighbors for your thoughtful contributions for naming the 14th Ave NW park. We’ve put together a word cloud above that shows the combined suggestions collected from last September’s Ballard Summer Parkways event and from your recent recommendations via our Facebook page and email. The larger names in the graphic reflect repeated suggestions (or likes). Here’s a complete list of the suggested names as originally submitted.

According to the criteria set by the City, naming the park should take into consideration geographical location, historical or cultural significance, distinctive natural or geological features, and should not be named after someone still living. Looking through the list, there seem to be a few themes that bubble up based on the criteria:

Suggestions that are historically and geographically significant for East Ballard

The Trolley Line , Trolley Park,  Trolley 27 Park or The Park @ Trolley  27
Naming the park after the #27 Trolley that used to run along 14th Ave NW from Salmon Bay up to NW 70th would be historically and geographically significant. The tracks used to run up the middle of the street, where the medians are today. The long term vision for this park is to run the full mile from Ballard High School to Salmon Bay, like the Trolley Line did. Check out Vintage West Woodland’s recent article about the #27 Trolley here.

Augusta Gay Boulevard Park
There used to be a majestic red farmhouse that stood on the SE corner of NW 60th and 14th Ave NW for 98 years. It was the home and office of former real-estate and insurance agent, Augusta Gay. In 2002, this home was moved to a location further east on NW 60th and replaced with the town homes that are there today. Many people in the neighborhood refer to this  home by the women’s name (The Augusta Gay House). Naming the park after Augusta Gay would be historically and geographically significant, and named after someone significant to the neighborhood who is no longer living. Here’s a link to a 2002 article about moving the house, a pic of the house today and what the neighborhood map looked like in 1904 (14th was Railroad Ave and NW 60th was E. Baker St).

Suggestions that are historically and culturally significant to Ballard, but maybe not to East Ballard

Edith Macefield Park
Edith Macefield
 was a real estate holdout when the Ballard Blocks were developed along 14th Ave NW south of Leary. She was a very strong lady who gathered the support of her community and brought people together by the common goal of doing what was right. They built around her but didn’t break her spirit. 

Charles Treat Park
Charles Treat was the first Mayor of Ballard before the city became a part of Seattle (due to the need for fresh water). It seems a “treat” to have a new park in Ballard.

Shilshole Park
Named in honor the first settlers of this area, The Duwamish Tribe, who lived off the plentiful salmon and clams in the region. Shilshole is Duwamish for “Threading the Needle”.

Leaf-Air-N-Sun Park
A play on Leif Erikson, an Icelandic explorer considered by some as the first European to land in North America. Leif is a very well known historical figure in Ballard and a symbol of the strong Nordic Heritage in this community.

Hyggelig Park
In keeping with Ballard’s Norwegian heritage, hygge or hyggelig means the good feeling of spending time with family and friends. Shared time that warms the soul. This suggestion was submitted by a neighbor who lives close to the new park whose family is from Norway and she’s lived in Ballard for over 45 years.

It’s been fun learning more about the history of our neighborhood and to see some excitement growing about the park. We will be sharing this information with the Parks Department this week and will continue to report back as we learn more!