Help Prepare Ballard Corners Park for the Summer

photo courtesy of Friends of Ballard Corners Park

The Friends of Ballard Corners Park invite you to a work party!

Ballard Corners Park Work Party
March 28, 9AM-2PM
17th Ave NW and NW 63rd
rain or shine!

You will be preparing plants for Spring, weeding, spreading wood chip mulch, and cleaning up debris. The bulbs you added last Fall are getting ready to bloom – come enjoy the fruits of your past labor and help get the Park in shape for Summer fun! Some tools and refreshments will be provided. If you have your own gloves and tools please bring them.

Any questions, please contact Gabriella

You’re invited to Groundswell NW’s Annual Meeting & Civic Social March 24


You’re invited to this special event that will change the landscape of your community and grow the public green.

This year, Groundswell NW will be highlighting the findings from the Ballard Open Space Plan and looking to you to spark future parks, public art, gardens, green space connectors and habitat in Northwest Seattle.

Because you are a mover and shaker in this great community, your participation in this collaborative event is crucial.

Groundswell NW will also present “Local Heroes” awards, which recognize individuals and groups who have made outstanding contributions to parks and open space in Ballard.

Doors open at the Nordic Heritage Museum at 6PM for an open house where you can learn more about Groundswell NW’s partners and projects.
The Civic Social will begin at 6:30PM.

You bring your best ideas, Groundswell NW will bring the treats.

Save Our Substations Open House March 22


If you’ve ever walked to the bus at 15th and 65th or to El Camion for a taco, you’ve probably walked by the vacant Monroe Substation at 1407 NW 65th and wondered what the heck is going on there. Well, the truth is, nothing, at least not yet. This vacant substation along with many more in our neighborhood and across Seattle are former Seattle City Light substations that are still owned by the City and could be up on the auction block to private developers in the near future. You are invited to join Seattle Green Spaces Coalition on March 22 at the Sunset Hill Community Club from 5-7PM to show your support to “keep these public lands in public hands” and share your ideas on how these spaces can used in your community.


4 Ballard Neighborhood Park and Street Fund Project applications move to the next step

Seeking a safer crossing at 11th and Market

Seeking a safer crossing at 11th and Market

In a previous post we encouraged you to show up at the Ballard District Council meeting this week to show support for 3 East Ballard street improvement projects that were submitted. There were over 12 applications submitted for Ballard/Crown Hill. The Ballard District Council review committee narrowed the list down to 6 for the Ballard District Council to review and vote. Thank-you to the review committee for taking the time to visit each proposed site and making the tough decisions. Thank-you to our neighbors who, instead of just complaining about a problem in the community, took action by submitting very thoughtful applications.

In the end, 4 applications were selected by the Ballard District Council to go to SDOT for cost evaluation. Note that 2 of these projects are from East Ballard!

  • A crosswalk at NW 85th between 10th and 11th Ave NW
  • Converting existing right of way at 17th Ave NW and Dock St along the next Ballard Greenway
  • Improved crossing of 8th Ave NW south of Market St
  • Improved crossing at Market St and 11th Ave NW

SDOT will report back to the Ballard District Council and based on the amount of funds available, the Council will vote again on which projects to recommend for implementation. Thank-you to all who attended this weeks Council meeting to show support for your project. We’ll continue to keep you posted!



Join Whittier Heights Involved Neighbors for 15th Ave NW Street Clean up

Whittier Heights is just a bit north of East Ballard, but I know we all travel along 15th Ave NW at one time or another. So why not come out and help these ambitious neighbors help make 15th a bit nicer.
Whittier Heights Involved Neighbors (WHIN)
15th Ave NW Street Clean Up 
Saturday 3/14, 1PM-3PM
Meet at NW 85th and 15th Ave NW in front of Walgreens

Organizers will have trash bags and some gloves and trash grabbers but please bring your own gloves if you have them as supplies are limited. Wear reflective gear or bright colored clothing if possible.

For more info, contact: Gina Frank, and if you live in the Whittier Heights, sign up to be a member of WHIN’s Facebook page

A sneak peek at designs for the 11th Ave NW Shoreline Street End Project


Bird’s eye view

If you attended the 11th Ave NW shoreline street end project open house in January, then you’ll remember an energy-filled evening at the Ballard Library. During this evening, talented and enthusiastic UW students from Professor Daniel Winterbottom’s Landscape Architecture Design/Build class presented their design ideas to transform the 11th Ave NW shoreline street end into an inviting public space.

After the open house, Professor Winterbottom’s students returned to the classroom with your feedback and collaborated with Seattle Dept of Transportation’s Jennifer Wieland and Shannon Glass to develop a “final” design for the 11th Ave NW Shoreline Street End and Viewing Deck that will now advance through City’s permitting process.


Shoreline view

You’ll see that the “final” design blends aspects of many of the preliminary designs, including a maypole, a meandering pathway, a swing, and a deck with seating at the water’s edge. The design also includes a new fire access point for the adjacent property to the west and accounts for the turning radius needed by the business to the east. The design also incorporates bike parking, an ADA-accessible parking stall, and a wide variety of native plantings.

You can access the siteline drawings via DPD’s website by entering 3018782 in the Search by Number field. If you sort by Capture Date, you’ll find a posting from 2/19/15 called “Plan Set: Plan SetV3.” These are technical drawings rather than renderings.

The EBCA also has also been in touch with Professor Winterbottom’s class to receive site illustrations, a couple of which we’ve provided in this post, that will help you really visualize what this space will look like.

You are also invited to an event on March 13 to view the final designs and attend a panel discussion on design education, its form, experimentation, opportunities and constraints, and a student’s perspective.

11th Ave NW Shoreline Street End Presentation and Panel Discussion
Friday, March 13th 12-1:30pm
UW Campus, Gould 110
A Poster for this event is here.

Once permitting is complete, the students will be ready to build and we’ll be asking you, our neighbors, to come out and help with the build and help us steward this little slice of public open space for us all to enjoy.

If you’d like to learn more about this project, please contact SDOT’s Shannon Glass ( or 206-375-1181).

Show your support for 3 East Ballard Street projects up for vote at Ballard District Council Wed March 11

If you’ve never attended a Ballard District Council Meeting before, the meeting on Wednesday March 11, 7-8:30pm at the Ballard Library, would be a good one to attend and show your support for 3 proposed East Ballard street projects that will be presented and prioritized for funding through Seattle’s Neighborhood Park and Street Funds program.

Here’s an overview of the 3 East Ballard projects up for review and prioritization:

Seeking a safer crossing at 11th and Market

Seeking a safer crossing at 11th and Market

1. Improved crossing at Market St and 11th Ave NW
The application is asking for improved safety of the pedestrian crossing across Market St at 11th Ave NW to access eastbound and westbound bus stops from the adjacent residential neighborhoods. “This is a walking neighborhood. Improving the safety of crossing at this intersection would not only improve access to the bus stops along Market for the heavily travelled route 44, it would also improve pedestrian connections to schools, parks and playfields, the Burke-Gilman trail and the 11th Ave NW street end improvements. It is a key node in our pedestrian network that requires attention.” View the complete application here.

Crossing 8th Ave NW

Seeking a safer crossing of 8th Ave NW south of Market St


2. Improved crossing of 8th Ave NW south of Market St
“8th Avenue NW is a wide arterial with heavy traffic volumes. Despite a significant increase in pedestrian traffic in this area, there are few opportunities to safely cross 8th Ave NW to access metro stops. Pedestrian activity is also high at these locations, to and from transit as well as Gilman Playground, Ross Park, the Burke-Gilman Trail, local schools, shops, and employment.” View the complete application here.

Improved safety along 6th Ave NW between NW 43rd and 49th

Seeking improved safety along 6th Ave NW between NW 43rd and 49th

2. Improved safety along 6th Ave NW between NW 43rd and 49th
“Schoolchildren as young as 2 years old and other neighbors use 6th Ave NW and it’s cross streets for daily walks and access to the Burke Gilman Trail. Pedestrian safety in the area is our primary concern. Vehicle safety moving from the east to the west across 6th Ave NW at NW Bright Street, NW45th, and NW 44th tends to be fast as it comes downhill through unmarked intersections. In addition, parking, and vehicle and pedestrian traffic become congested during drop off and pick up at Pacific Crest School, which further limits pedestrian safety.” View the complete application hereUPDATE: We just learned that this project didn’t make the cut by the Executive board of the Ballard District Council. If you want to have this project considered, we encourage you to attend and speak up at the meeting on Wednesday.

Ballard District Council is open to the public. You will have an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting to introduce yourself and make a short statement in support of the street projects. We’re looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!



EBCA shows support for the Mayor’s “Move Seattle” initiative


Dawn Hemminger from the EBCA speaking at the launch for the Mayor’s “Move Seattle” initiative. photo credit: Catherine Weatbrook

Mayor Ed Murray and SDOT Directory Scott Kubly launched the “Move Seattle” initiative, their 10-year vision for transportation in Seattle, on the lawn of Ballard Swedish Hospital on Monday. Dawn Hemminger, from the EBCA, was an invited speaker at this event, along with David Goldberg from Transportation for America. There was a great turnout of the movers and shakers of Ballard who have been involved with the pedestrian, bicycle, transit and freight plans that SDOT plans to integrate in order to best support everyone, whether walking, biking, riding transit, driving a car or delivering freight.  See more at the Mayor’s website. View or download the Move Seattle document here. Read EBCA’s letter of support presented at the event here. View the whole event, including Dawn’s presentation here.

Help the City update Seattle’s Industrial Lands Policy

Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is hosting a series of meetings regarding proposed Industrial Lands Policies that are part of Seattle 2035 – the City’s major comprehensive plan update.  Specific land use policies are being considered for designated Manufacturing/Industrial Centers (M/IC) that will preserve these areas for ongoing industrial use and also limit the potential for conversion of property within designated M/IC areas to non-industrial uses unless specific criteria are met.

The purpose of the outreach meetings is to receive your input on these proposed policies.  Input received will be shared with the City Council when these policies are considered as part of the major update.

March 3, 6:00-8:00 PM
Ballard High School Commons
1418 NW 65th St
Seattle, WA 98117

“Where do you go in Central Ballard?” Take a survey to provide your input

The Ballard Partnership for Smart Growth and the Seattle Department of Transportation’s (SDOT) Public Space Program are working together on a feasibility study that will identify the preferred location and design of a clean, safe, and accessible permanent public restroom in Central Ballard.

To participate in a survey about the public restroom study and learn more visit: