Show your support for 3 East Ballard Street projects up for vote at Ballard District Council Wed March 11

If you’ve never attended a Ballard District Council Meeting before, the meeting on Wednesday March 11, 7-8:30pm at the Ballard Library, would be a good one to attend and show your support for 3 proposed East Ballard street projects that will be presented and prioritized for funding through Seattle’s Neighborhood Park and Street Funds program.

Here’s an overview of the 3 East Ballard projects up for review and prioritization:

Seeking a safer crossing at 11th and Market

Seeking a safer crossing at 11th and Market

1. Improved crossing at Market St and 11th Ave NW
The application is asking for improved safety of the pedestrian crossing across Market St at 11th Ave NW to access eastbound and westbound bus stops from the adjacent residential neighborhoods. “This is a walking neighborhood. Improving the safety of crossing at this intersection would not only improve access to the bus stops along Market for the heavily travelled route 44, it would also improve pedestrian connections to schools, parks and playfields, the Burke-Gilman trail and the 11th Ave NW street end improvements. It is a key node in our pedestrian network that requires attention.” View the complete application here.

Crossing 8th Ave NW

Seeking a safer crossing of 8th Ave NW south of Market St


2. Improved crossing of 8th Ave NW south of Market St
“8th Avenue NW is a wide arterial with heavy traffic volumes. Despite a significant increase in pedestrian traffic in this area, there are few opportunities to safely cross 8th Ave NW to access metro stops. Pedestrian activity is also high at these locations, to and from transit as well as Gilman Playground, Ross Park, the Burke-Gilman Trail, local schools, shops, and employment.” View the complete application here.

Improved safety along 6th Ave NW between NW 43rd and 49th

Seeking improved safety along 6th Ave NW between NW 43rd and 49th

2. Improved safety along 6th Ave NW between NW 43rd and 49th
“Schoolchildren as young as 2 years old and other neighbors use 6th Ave NW and it’s cross streets for daily walks and access to the Burke Gilman Trail. Pedestrian safety in the area is our primary concern. Vehicle safety moving from the east to the west across 6th Ave NW at NW Bright Street, NW45th, and NW 44th tends to be fast as it comes downhill through unmarked intersections. In addition, parking, and vehicle and pedestrian traffic become congested during drop off and pick up at Pacific Crest School, which further limits pedestrian safety.” View the complete application hereUPDATE: We just learned that this project didn’t make the cut by the Executive board of the Ballard District Council. If you want to have this project considered, we encourage you to attend and speak up at the meeting on Wednesday.

Ballard District Council is open to the public. You will have an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting to introduce yourself and make a short statement in support of the street projects. We’re looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!



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  1. Pingback: 4 Ballard Neighborhood Park and Street Fund Project applications move to the next step | EBCA