4 Ballard Neighborhood Park and Street Fund Project applications move to the next step

Seeking a safer crossing at 11th and Market

Seeking a safer crossing at 11th and Market

In a previous post we encouraged you to show up at the Ballard District Council meeting this week to show support for 3 East Ballard street improvement projects that were submitted. There were over 12 applications submitted for Ballard/Crown Hill. The Ballard District Council review committee narrowed the list down to 6 for the Ballard District Council to review and vote. Thank-you to the review committee for taking the time to visit each proposed site and making the tough decisions. Thank-you to our neighbors who, instead of just complaining about a problem in the community, took action by submitting very thoughtful applications.

In the end, 4 applications were selected by the Ballard District Council to go to SDOT for cost evaluation. Note that 2 of these projects are from East Ballard!

  • A crosswalk at NW 85th between 10th and 11th Ave NW
  • Converting existing right of way at 17th Ave NW and Dock St along the next Ballard Greenway
  • Improved crossing of 8th Ave NW south of Market St
  • Improved crossing at Market St and 11th Ave NW

SDOT will report back to the Ballard District Council and based on the amount of funds available, the Council will vote again on which projects to recommend for implementation. Thank-you to all who attended this weeks Council meeting to show support for your project. We’ll continue to keep you posted!