Mapping Historic Ballard: Shingletown to Tomorrow

The old trolley line that used to run down the center of 14th Avenue NW in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood. Photo: Seattle Municipal Archives

The Ballard Historical Society is launching the Mapping Historic Ballard: Shingletown to Tomorrow project, thanks to a City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods grant. The project will update and digitize previous historic resource surveys and conduct a contemporary survey, resulting in an accessible, living map of our neighborhood’s past. 

The public can learn more about the project by attending an event on November 12, 2015 (location to be determined). Also read Ballard News Tribune’s Mapping Historic Ballard

To complete the project by June 2016, volunteers are needed to revisit remaining historic buildings. Volunteers will learn about periods and styles of architecture and have the opportunity to contribute to the final product through photography and research. For further information about the project and to learn about volunteer roles please contact


Sign up today to play in Ballard’s first ever Street Scrabble Tournament this Saturday

Street Scrabble Flyer horizontal1

Come play or watch a life-size Scrabble game on Saturday Oct 10 in Ballard from 4pm-6pm at the intersection of 17th Ave NW and NW Dock Pl! This event will be hosted by Groundswell NW, Ballard Greenways and Seattle Department of Transportation. Learn more about the ‘Pavement to Parks’ project at 17th Ave NW and NW Dock Pl, and help choose a new street design for the space. We also want to hear from you about how this intersection works and how it could be improved.

Sign up today to be in the Scrabble player lottery by emailing

Scrabble participants will be determined by lottery. The night of the event, we will draw 16 participants and pair them up into teams. Each game will be 20 minutes. The tournament will have a referee and scorekeeper, and is a single elimination format.

 Street Scrabble Flyer horizontal2

Update on the 14th Ave NW Park


We’re happy to report that the 14th Ave NW Park has reached a new milestone! In City of Seattle terms, it has just reached 90% Complete Street Improvement Plan (SIP). Engineering drawings are now available on the City’s website. When these drawings are approved by Seattle Department of Transportation and once contractors are hired, construction could begin as early as Spring 2016. If all goes well, we may just have a new park by Fall of 2016!

If you’re not an engineering geek and your eyes just glaze over at the site of all those lines in the engineering drawings, then no worries, we sat down with our designers at Mithun and compiled the following overview to help you out…

What’s the park going to look like?
The 14th Ave NW Park is going to be a 2 block linear park that runs along the east side of 14th Ave NW from NW 59th St to NW 61st St. The current sidewalks on the east side (for these 2 blocks) will be replaced with brand new 12′ wide concrete sidewalks that will be wide enough for walking and wheeled activities. The park will include rain gardens that will not only filter stormwater before entering Salmon Bay, but will also provide a buffer between park users and vehicle traffic. Vehicle traffic will run side by side on the west side (no longer separated by a median) between NW 59th and NW 61st.

How are cars going to be diverted at NW 59th and NW 61st going north?
Speed limit on 14th Ave NW between Market and NW 65th will drop down to 20 mph (today, it’s 30 mph). This significant drop in speed will allow for vehicle transition to be done at stop signs. There will most likely be a 4-way stop at NW 59th and another at NW 61st. If you are traveling north, you will stop at NW 59th, transition diagonally to the west alongside south bound vehicles and then stop again at NW 61st where you’ll transition back to the east side with vehicles separated by a median again. If you’re traveling south, you’ll stay in the same lane along 14th and will stop at NW 61st and NW 59th.

What about lighting?
Pedestrian scale lighting, will be provided along the 2 block park that should provide adequate lighting of the walkway without affecting neighboring homes. The existing street-scale lighting will remain as well. It’s not clear what’s going to happen with the light between NW 59th and 60th that’s strung in the middle of the median. We’re pretty sure that’ll get replaced with pedestrian-scale lighting.

June2014_drawingWhat’s going on at the NW 60th intersection?
The intersection at NW 60th will have a 4-way stop and will be raised to sidewalk level so that people driving across the intersection will encounter a bump up when approaching and a bump down when leaving. People walking or biking along the sidewalk through the intersection (north/south) will not experience an elevation change. There will also be bollards on the north and south sections of the intersection on the park side to provide a buffer from vehicles.

What about the trees?
Some existing trees will be removed and replaced with a mixture of larger and smaller trees where it makes sense. The significantly large tree near NW 59th on the east side will remain in place and accommodations will be made for its root system in the new sidewalk design.

Will there be play structures?
Not at this stage of the project. There will be a few grassy mounds to play/roll around on, plus the rain gardens will be accessible for learning and play. There will be grass space for lawn games as well. Once the park is complete and the community has played in it for a while AND there’s a strong interest for structured play equipment, this could be added at a later time.

What about an offleash dog park?
Sorry, no offleashing in this park. It’s really not big enough. You and your leashed dog will be more than welcome to enjoy the park!

What’s next?
The latest permit drawings have to get approved by Seattle Department of Transportation. When they get approved, we’ll be at 100% SIP and the Parks Department will have the authority to go out for bid to contractors, which will hopefully be this Spring. Construction could start as early as Spring 2016 and the park could be complete by end of Fall. We’ll keep you posted as we learn more!

Additional information about this park project and how to get in touch with our Parks Project manager can be found on the Parks Department website. You’re also welcome to contact us at the EBCA and we’ll do our best to get you the info you’re looking for.















Join the cool kids for a planting party Oct 10

Cari Simson and her team from EarthCorps, plus neighbors Rich and Mary have been busy these past weeks since the Sept 21 groundbreaking for the East Ballard Roadside Rain Gardens. The soil has been dug up and the trenches are made. All that’s left is the fun part….planting!

What: Join us for a planting party!
When: Saturday October 10, 10AM-2PM
Where: East Ballard roadside rain gardens (1101 NW 57th St)

We will be planting shrubs, grasses, and some trees, as well as mulching to help finish up the East Ballard Greenstreet project. Lend a hand and learn about this exciting neighborhood project. No experience necessary! Snacks, tools and instructions provided.

Check out pics from the groundbreaking ceremony a few weeks ago and of the work that’s been going on since then. King 5 was there for the groundbreaking and did a great piece on this project. Click here to watch.

Got questions? Contact Cari Simpson or check out the Facebook event page. We’re looking forward to spending the morning getting our hands dirty and making history with the very first road side rain garden in East Ballard!

This project is made possible through a grant from the Russell Family Foundation to Antioch University Seattle, with additional support from the Surfrider Foundation and East Ballard Community Association

Thank you. You made a difference!


Thank-you Brad, Shelby and Kelly!

Your Name Here,

Because of you and team mates all, Saturday September 19, was a high point in EBCA history!! Each of you contributed something special and essential to the success of Ballard Summer Parkways, EBCA Style. The invoices are submitted, the rentals are returned, the Hemminger Storage Facility is back in order, and the pictures are posted. Now it’s time for recognition. 

Find your name and accept your compliments with gratitude galore. Read the whole list and know who it took to accomplish this feat gracefully!!

Andrew  Thanks for your traffic management expertise and the physical work it took to get the proper signs set out. Donating the printed material for EBCA signs was generous of you. They’ll definitely get used again. Thanks also for offering the “grass” – though it wasn’t used.

Cameron  Voluntolds, You’re the best.  SYM (Strong Young Men) who don’t think twice about heavy lifting, your strength is priceless.

Chris  For all the figuring and problem solving that you do behind the scenes, for tech support in the field and for Go To reliability, you’re key. Building the Head-in- Hole frame was a monster contribution.


Thank you Sue, Ellen, Shannon, Peter and Charlie!

Charlie  Your enthusiasm and follow-through on the Idea Wall paie off. That question table was full all event long. Your willingness to pick up the slack anywhere is a great asset.

David and Cynthia  Sharing your space at Blowing Sands to pre-set displays and store supplies Friday night saved us valuable time on roll out the next morning. Your willingness to engage and support this neighborhood is exemplary. And, your lovely yellow walls make quite the backdrop for highlighting the activity.

Dawn  WOW The design and layout work that you did for posters of all shapes and sizes was outstanding.  Your Digital Diva skill saves EBCA so much time and money. That visual explanation of “Embrace Change” is brilliant. That you have this community’s back – and front and both sides – makes the mission a joy to pursue.

Ellen  For level-headed chiming in on planning, direction, and decisions; for showing up for Friday night (with the best hole puncher!); for displaying your beautiful fabric art all day Saturday – a big thanks!

Garreth  Thanks for showing up Friday night to work on the Be Tenacious wall. And for being tenacious getting those big drawings mounted!!

Jean  Thanks for showing up in the home stretch and helping with break down.


Thank-you Jeff!

Jeff   From day one, you have been an influential force in this  project. You planted the idea wall idea and you saw it through to a fruitful harvest. Thanks for so easily folding into the group.

Kelly & Geoff   You are the “We have that and we’ll go home and get it for you” best! From loaning equipment to the glass of lemonade offered to me, you were right there when needed.

Linda  Thank you for always protecting and planning, as well as posting those flyers before your trip. You are staunch east ballard stuff.

Peter  On Friday night with Garreth, Saturday morning with Cameron and throughout Saturday with Shelby you provide such a great example of the value of family in the community. Then there’s your role as The Catalyst for the 14th Ave NW Park  – awesome sauce! 

Shelby  You are always there with the goods to make the party official. And you are always willing to donate the goods!! You show up and get the job done seamlessly and with great style. Thank you a million times.

Steph  The Admit One hand out you created was a pleasure to give and take away. It did exactly what it was designed to do. Something to hand to visitors in welcoming, something to take away in memory of. You were present with each exchange.

Sue  For working on set up both days; for tidying the planted area; for picking up the balloons; for the lovely bouquet of flowers to mark the Meserole Memorial  – thanks a bunch!

Zack T  Thanks for the Admit One posters that were on the front door to the ‘Land of East Ballard’ and for imbuing the process with laughter and insight.

Zack N  Thanks for responding to the blog call to Help Us Out and ‘stepping up for set up’ on Saturday morning. You were a big help in the SYM category. Stay in touch.


Thank-you neighbors for coming out to play!

And thank-you to you, our neighbors, who joined us for a fun day in the ‘hood! We’ll see you next time!

East Ballard Oktoberfest Sept 26

East Ballard OktoberfestWe guess East Ballard has finally made it on the map when it gets its very own Oktoberfest!

Reubens Brews, Stoup Brewing and Populuxe Brewing Announce First Annual East Ballard Oktoberfest sponsored by Verity Credit Union

On Saturday, September 26th Reuben’s Brews, Stoup Brewing and Populuxe Brewing are bringing a little bit of Bavaria to the East Ballard corridor. The three breweries are hosting a neighborhood Oktoberfest crawl!

The event will kick-off in high, auditory fashion with a traveling Oompah band, The Oompah Machine will be playing at Reuben’s at 2 p.m. They will then will march revelers to Stoup Brewing at 3 p.m. and onwards to Populuxe at 4 p.m.

Since it wouldn’t be Oktoberfest without the beer, each brewery will be releasing a signature Oktoberfest brew, available in individual commemorative steins. Limited quantities of each stein will be available at their taproom locations, $6 empty or $10 filled.

Not to worry, they know that good, ole fashioned revelry requires proper fuel. A food truck will be posted at each location: At Reuben’s, Burgurphenia will be grilling a beer brat made with their Marzen, Das Brat Wagen will be vending signature German fare at Stoup and Peasant Food Manifesto will feature a currywust sausage on a pretzel bun, in the yard at Populuxe.

And since pretzels are second to beer at Oktoberfest, event sponsor Verity Bank will provide pretzel bites at each stop.

“The inaugural East Ballard Oktoberfest will undoubtedly be the beginning of an exciting new Ballard tradition that celebrates one of our most valuable locally-produced resources: beer!” said Ballard Chamber Executive Director Mike Stewart. So break out the lederhosen and get ready to nourish your beer loving soul. You won’t want to miss this Oktoberfest celebration.

Reuben’s Brews, Stoup Brewing and Populuxe Brewing are craft breweries and taprooms in the East Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, Washington.

Reuben’s Brews is located at 5010 14th Avenue NW – Seattle, WA 98107. Hours of operation are Monday-Thursday 3-9pm, Friday-Sunday 12-9pm. For more information,, or call (206) 784-2859.

Stoup Brewing is located at 1108 NW 52nd Street – Seattle, WA 98107 and is open 3-9pm Tuesday through Thursday, 3pm–10pm on Friday; 12-10pm on Saturday and Sunday from 12pm-9pm. Happy Hour is Tuesday through Friday from 3pm-5pm. For more information, visit, or call 206.457.5524.

Populuxe Brewing is located at 826B NW 49th Street – Seattle, WA 98107. Hours are Thursday 4:30pm-9pm, Friday 4:30pm-10pm, Saturday 12pm-10pm and Sunday 1pm-8pm. For more information, visit, or call (206) 706-3400.

Wouldn’t a customized crosswalk be fun to have in East Ballard?

Interested in applying for a Dept of Neighborhoods grant to give an existing crosswalk in East Ballard a makeover? Read below and  contact the EBCA  so we can help you get started!

Seattle Department of Neighborhoods (DON) and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) jointly announced the Community Crosswalks program, a new way for residents to secure neighborhood oriented crosswalks. 

“This is about celebrating and enhancing community identities,” said Mayor Ed Murray. “The iconic rainbow crosswalks on Capitol Hill started a broader conversation on how we can incorporate neighborhood character in the built environment across Seattle. I’m excited to see more history, culture, and community on display for residents and visitors to enjoy.”

Spurred by the popularity of Capitol Hill’s rainbow crosswalks, which were installed in June, residents can now use the existing Neighborhood Matching Fund to request such crosswalks. This will allow unique crosswalks to be approved and installed through an established process, ensuring that they are safe, reflective of community values and can be maintained. 

“Community oriented crosswalks are great ways to represent a neighborhood,” said Kathy Nyland, director of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. “This new crosswalk program will allow interested community members to showcase their neighborhood’s unique culture and history or just liven up an intersection with a colorful design.”

To be eligible for an installation by SDOT, applicants will need to adhere to City guidelines for crosswalk locations and designs. Crosswalks must be sited where vehicles already stop for a traffic signal or stop sign, the design should consist only of horizontal or vertical bars, and the pavement underneath must be in good condition.

“We are pleased that other Seattle neighborhoods are being inspired by Capitol Hill’s rainbow crosswalks,” said SDOT Director Scott Kubly. “Through this joint SDOT/DON effort, we can transform other crossing points into tangible signs of community pride.” 

Crosswalks typically cost about $25 per square foot, depending on the complexity of the design and installation, and can be expected to last approximately 3-5 years based on the amount of vehicular traffic at the location. More information about the program can be found here: Crosswalks installed or modified outside of this process will be reviewed by SDOT and removed/repainted if determined to be unsafe.

The Neighborhood Matching Fund provides matching dollars for neighborhood improvement, organizing, or projects that are developed and implemented by community members. More information about the longstanding program can be found here:

East Ballard Greenstreets Groundbreaking


Cari Simson and crew have done the official calculations, and according to the City of Seattle, The East Ballard Greenstreet swales and 9 newly planted trees will absorb and filter nearly 50,000 gallons of roadway runoff each year. This is equivalent to 1,000 bathtubs of polluted runoff captured each year.
This is no small feat for a grant-funded and community-led project developed through a $65,000 grant from The Russell Family Foundation. Once completed, the project will naturally filter runoff that currently flows unfiltered to Salmon Bay in Ballard.

Come join us at the Groundbreaking event on Monday Sept 21 from 9-10am on 11th Ave NW between NW 57th and NW 58th Streets to celebrate and learn more about green streets!

Come out to play and Do the ‘hood a solid on Saturday Sept 19


From 11am to 3pm,  on Saturday September 19, 14th Ave NW between NW 58th St and NW 59th will be closing to vehicle traffic and open to a party in the street celebrating Ballard Summer Parkways.

Enter the Land of East Ballard, visit the 6 stations on “How to Grow a Park”.
Leave knowing how to git ‘er done in any ‘hood. 

  • Share the idea – Become a part of park history by sharing your answer to “What’s the best thing about parks?” Decorate your answer to be displayed on the Idea Wall. Got a name suggestion for the new park? Share it here as well!
  • Team up – Browse the creative wonders of Blowing Sands Glass Studio, get to know uber-local artists, and acknowledge our community partners.
  • Be Tenacious – View the latest drawings for the 14th Ave NW Park, chat with our landscape architect from Mithun, and learn about the history of this 10-year-in-the-making park from neighbor, architect, and idea catalyst, Peter Locke.
  • Host events – Make a memory photo with friends and family faces poking through the Head-in-Hole Adopt-A-Street event scene. 
  • Embrace change – We didn’t get what we asked for, but we want what we got.
  • Celebrate – Sit and chat over complimentary lemonade or coffee in the Celebrate Cafe’.

Heaps of time and resources have been donated already by skilled neighbors and generous businesses. To pull this off successfully on Saturday, we need your help. 


Start accumulating points in the Solids Bank today. Pick a specific task at a specific time from the list below. Contact Shannon at to make it official then head out to play in the land of East Ballard.

 Day      Time  Task
Anytime!  Anytime! Groom east & west bioswales and Median at 14th Ave NW and NW 58th
Thurs or Fri  bet 7am & 5pm Pick up 12 delineator posts from National Barricade at 6518 Ravenna Ave, NE.
 Fri  after 4pm Sweep area around median and crosswalk at 14th Ave NW and NW 58th
 Sat  8-9am Pick up 24 helium balloons from Fred Meyer and deliver to 14th Ave NW and NW 58th
 Sat  8-9am Position 12’x6′ chain link fences for station displays
 Sat  9-10am Set up Celebrate Cafe’ – layout astroturf, set up cafe’ tables & chairs and position garbage/recycling/yard waste containers
 Sat  9-10am Balloon installation – distribute and attach per layout
 Sat  9-10am Sign placement – 6 station signs, Land of East Ballard entrance sign, signs for median memorial plaque and sculpture
 Sat  3-4pm Gather all mounted display materials from each station to central location
 Sat  3-4pm Gather all in-ground signs to central location
 Sat  3-4pm Secure all Alexander Rental equipment to central location: 6 cafe’ tables, 24 chairs, 2 bike racks, 2 pedestal tables
 Sat  3-4pm Gather all equipment borrowed from Kelly and Geoff: 2 folding tables, 10 folding chairs, 2 dog bowls
 Sat  3-4pm Gather 12 National Barricade delineator posts and return to 6518 Ravenna Ave NE
 Sat  3-4pm Take down canopies and gather in central location
 Sat  3:30-4pm Collect and secure fence panels when all mounted material has been removed
 Sat  3:30-4pm Tidy site and dispose of garbage/recycling/yard waste


One person’s trash is not another person’s treasure especially when it’s dumped in the street


There has been an epidemic this past month in East Ballard with furniture and trash piling up in the medians along 14th Ave NW. On a recent walk from NW 65th to Market St, almost every block had something dumped in the median or on the sidewalk at the intersection. Even if the original owner believes that perhaps someone would find their beat up couch or lumpy mattress valuable and take it into their own home, the truth of the matter is that your unwanted items end up just sitting there for days or weeks attracting more people to dump their own stuff into the pile and contributing to a neighborhood trash pile until the City comes by and hauls it away.

Is this the community we want to be? Whether you’re a resident (owner or renter), business owner or just passing through, you are part of this community and only you can either continue to contribute to this problem or help resolve it.


Thank-you Fred and Michelle at the Seattle Conservation Corps!

Heroes to the rescue
Thanks to EBCA’s awesome relationship with the Seattle Conservation Corps, who have been watering the planters and weeding the medians on 14th these past years, their work crew this week took it upon themselves to gather up most of the furniture and haul it off in their own truck and take it to the dump. They gathered up what they couldn’t take into a pile at the corner of NW 60th and 14th for another truck to pick up later. Kudos to Michelle and Fred at Seattle Conservation Corps for taking the initiative and being part of the solution!

Now here’s how you can be part of the solution too!

What to do with your unwanted furniture
There are resources available to help you find a new home for your furniture. None are probably as easy as dumping it in the street, but you’ve already decided you’re not going to do that, right?!

If your furniture is in good, usable condition, you may be able to sell, exchange or donate it:

  • Buy Nothing Ballard – Facebook Group page for giving away unwanted items – This is a closed group, so you must request to join
  • Freecycle-Seattle – A Yahoo! group for giving and receiving free items. This is a closed group, so you must request to join.
  • Craigslist-Seattle – a good ole standby for buying, selling and giving away your stuff.
  • Goodwill (or any other donation drop off spot) – If your items are in good condition, this is an excellent option if you have the means to transport
  • Salvation Army – This charity will pick up certain furniture items for free (couches under 8ft long, e.g).
  • Northwest Center – This charity will pick up certain furniture items for free (no mattresses or sleeper sofas though)
  • – This courier service will pickup items and drive them to places like the Goodwill for you for $15 per 15 minutes. It looks like they’re quick to respond and since the Goodwill is so close, this could be a great option.

If your items aren’t in good shape and need to be thrown out, here are a couple of options:

  • City of Seattle Bulky item pickup – For about $30 per item, you can schedule a bulky item pickup by the City.
  • Seattle Transfer Station – If your items are not in good shape to resell, then sending them to the dump may be an option. Unfortunately, the North transfer station is closed right now and you’ll have to go to the Shoreline or  South Seattle station. The cost is $30 per vehicle.

How to report illegal dumping
Of-course, there will be folks who will not have read this post and will dump their items into the streets and medians. Regardless of whether these actions are good-intentioned or just lazy, the fact is that illegal dumping will happen. It’s your responsibility as an engaged member of the community to report this to the City as soon as you see it.

Here’s how:

  • Find it Fix it App – Install this nifty app on your phone, take a picture and report it to the City
  • Report online – Fill out the City’s online report to report illegal dumping
  • Give the City a call at (206) 684-7587

There are many more options that we missed and we’d love for you to share your ideas on our Facebook page.