Give Ballard Corners Park some TLC Nov 14


The Friends of Ballard Corners Park invite you to a work party!

Ballard Corners Park Work Party
Saturday November 14 9AM-4PM
17th Ave NW and NW 63rd
rain or shine!

Join your neighbors in weeding, pruning, and cleaning up debris at Ballard Corners park.  Some tools and refreshments will be provided.  If you have your own gloves and tools please bring them.  Any questions, please contact Gabriella: or (206) 782-3238.  


Mapping Historic Ballard: Kick-Off Event on Nov 12

As we mentioned in an earlier post, The Ballard Historical Society is launching the Mapping Historic Ballard: Shingletown to Tomorrow project, thanks to a City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods grant. The project will update and digitize previous historic resource surveys and conduct a contemporary survey, resulting in an accessible, living map of our neighborhood’s past.

Join the Party
Thursday Nov 12, 2015 at 6:30PM
Ballard Homestead, 6541 Jones Ave NW


Ballard Urban Design and Transportation Open House Nov 18

Over the past ten years, Ballard has seen significant changes from the “sleepy” neighborhood it once was. The area has become denser as it became attractive to younger people and to families with children. At the same time, the job market has changed, but job growth has not kept up with the population growth. The community has overwhelming appreciation for the ability to visit the great variety of shops and restaurants in a beautiful, walkable neighborhood. However, they is also concern that a number of recent high-density projects being built in the area do not contribute to Ballard’s character.

In response to this and Sound Transit’s planning for light rail to Ballard, a Ballard Urban Design and Transportation (UDAT) group was formed to work with the Department of Transportation (SDOT), neighborhood groups, and non-profits, to develop an Urban Design Framework (UDF) and a multimodal transportation plan (Move Ballard). Together they will articulate a shared vision, and strategies that will guide future development and transportation investment while ensuring Ballard’s people and places thrive.

The Ballard UDAT group will be holding an Open House on Nov 18 at Leif Erikson Lodge that the EBCA encourages you to attend to learn what the group has heard from the community and share your comments on draft transportation priorities for all modes in the Ballard Hub Urban Village. Find out about the draft design concepts and evaluation of station locations for potential future high capacity transit. Also, review the draft land use and urban design recommendations.

When: Wednesday, November 18, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Presentation at 6:00 p.m.

Where: Leif Erikson Lodge in Ballard. (2245 NW 57th St.).

What is it? A City and Community partnership to create a vision that will guide new development and transportation investments in Ballard. For more information visit the Ballard Urban Design website and SDOT’s Move Ballard website.

Unable to attend? Presentation materials will be available online at the Ballard Urban Design website following the Open House. Review information online and contact the project planners.

Contact Information:
Aditi Kambuj, Planner
(206) 615-1739

Chris Yake, Planner
(206) 727-8719

Mark your calendar for Adopt A Street Cleanup on Sat October 24

April 25, 2015 Adopt a Street Cleanup

Join your neighbors on Saturday October 24 for EBCA’s biannual Adopt A Street Cleanup. We’ve been cleaning up 14th Ave NW since the Fall of 2005 thanks to your help and our incredible volunteers who organize this event. Picking up trash is a lot more fun than it sounds and is something the whole family can do together. This is a great opportunity to make our neighborhood a nicer place to live. Plus you get to wear a brightly colored EBCA logo vest!

Adopt A Street Cleanup along 14th Ave NW
Sat October 24, 10am-1pm
Meet over coffee & breakfast snack donated by The Ballard Market
at Blowing Sands Glass, 5805 14th Ave NW
Tidy up 14th Ave NW & median plantings
Come dressed for the weather
contact for more information

What should we name our Park?


During Ballard Summer Parkways a few weekends ago, one of our volunteers, Geoff, put out sheets of paper on the cafe’ tables with the simple statement: “NAME THIS PARK”. We got a lot of fun suggestions and thought we’d share. We’ll be continuing to ask you this question throughout the year as the Park on 14th gets closer to breaking ground. Here’s a word cloud of the names you’ve suggested so far.


Mapping Historic Ballard: Shingletown to Tomorrow

The old trolley line that used to run down the center of 14th Avenue NW in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood. Photo: Seattle Municipal Archives

The Ballard Historical Society is launching the Mapping Historic Ballard: Shingletown to Tomorrow project, thanks to a City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods grant. The project will update and digitize previous historic resource surveys and conduct a contemporary survey, resulting in an accessible, living map of our neighborhood’s past. 

The public can learn more about the project by attending an event on November 12, 2015 (location to be determined). Also read Ballard News Tribune’s Mapping Historic Ballard

To complete the project by June 2016, volunteers are needed to revisit remaining historic buildings. Volunteers will learn about periods and styles of architecture and have the opportunity to contribute to the final product through photography and research. For further information about the project and to learn about volunteer roles please contact


Sign up today to play in Ballard’s first ever Street Scrabble Tournament this Saturday

Street Scrabble Flyer horizontal1

Come play or watch a life-size Scrabble game on Saturday Oct 10 in Ballard from 4pm-6pm at the intersection of 17th Ave NW and NW Dock Pl! This event will be hosted by Groundswell NW, Ballard Greenways and Seattle Department of Transportation. Learn more about the ‘Pavement to Parks’ project at 17th Ave NW and NW Dock Pl, and help choose a new street design for the space. We also want to hear from you about how this intersection works and how it could be improved.

Sign up today to be in the Scrabble player lottery by emailing

Scrabble participants will be determined by lottery. The night of the event, we will draw 16 participants and pair them up into teams. Each game will be 20 minutes. The tournament will have a referee and scorekeeper, and is a single elimination format.

 Street Scrabble Flyer horizontal2

Join the cool kids for a planting party Oct 10

Cari Simson and her team from EarthCorps, plus neighbors Rich and Mary have been busy these past weeks since the Sept 21 groundbreaking for the East Ballard Roadside Rain Gardens. The soil has been dug up and the trenches are made. All that’s left is the fun part….planting!

What: Join us for a planting party!
When: Saturday October 10, 10AM-2PM
Where: East Ballard roadside rain gardens (1101 NW 57th St)

We will be planting shrubs, grasses, and some trees, as well as mulching to help finish up the East Ballard Greenstreet project. Lend a hand and learn about this exciting neighborhood project. No experience necessary! Snacks, tools and instructions provided.

Check out pics from the groundbreaking ceremony a few weeks ago and of the work that’s been going on since then. King 5 was there for the groundbreaking and did a great piece on this project. Click here to watch.

Got questions? Contact Cari Simpson or check out the Facebook event page. We’re looking forward to spending the morning getting our hands dirty and making history with the very first road side rain garden in East Ballard!

This project is made possible through a grant from the Russell Family Foundation to Antioch University Seattle, with additional support from the Surfrider Foundation and East Ballard Community Association

Thank you. You made a difference!


Thank-you Brad, Shelby and Kelly!

Your Name Here,

Because of you and team mates all, Saturday September 19, was a high point in EBCA history!! Each of you contributed something special and essential to the success of Ballard Summer Parkways, EBCA Style. The invoices are submitted, the rentals are returned, the Hemminger Storage Facility is back in order, and the pictures are posted. Now it’s time for recognition. 

Find your name and accept your compliments with gratitude galore. Read the whole list and know who it took to accomplish this feat gracefully!!

Andrew  Thanks for your traffic management expertise and the physical work it took to get the proper signs set out. Donating the printed material for EBCA signs was generous of you. They’ll definitely get used again. Thanks also for offering the “grass” – though it wasn’t used.

Cameron  Voluntolds, You’re the best.  SYM (Strong Young Men) who don’t think twice about heavy lifting, your strength is priceless.

Chris  For all the figuring and problem solving that you do behind the scenes, for tech support in the field and for Go To reliability, you’re key. Building the Head-in- Hole frame was a monster contribution.


Thank you Sue, Ellen, Shannon, Peter and Charlie!

Charlie  Your enthusiasm and follow-through on the Idea Wall paie off. That question table was full all event long. Your willingness to pick up the slack anywhere is a great asset.

David and Cynthia  Sharing your space at Blowing Sands to pre-set displays and store supplies Friday night saved us valuable time on roll out the next morning. Your willingness to engage and support this neighborhood is exemplary. And, your lovely yellow walls make quite the backdrop for highlighting the activity.

Dawn  WOW The design and layout work that you did for posters of all shapes and sizes was outstanding.  Your Digital Diva skill saves EBCA so much time and money. That visual explanation of “Embrace Change” is brilliant. That you have this community’s back – and front and both sides – makes the mission a joy to pursue.

Ellen  For level-headed chiming in on planning, direction, and decisions; for showing up for Friday night (with the best hole puncher!); for displaying your beautiful fabric art all day Saturday – a big thanks!

Garreth  Thanks for showing up Friday night to work on the Be Tenacious wall. And for being tenacious getting those big drawings mounted!!

Jean  Thanks for showing up in the home stretch and helping with break down.


Thank-you Jeff!

Jeff   From day one, you have been an influential force in this  project. You planted the idea wall idea and you saw it through to a fruitful harvest. Thanks for so easily folding into the group.

Kelly & Geoff   You are the “We have that and we’ll go home and get it for you” best! From loaning equipment to the glass of lemonade offered to me, you were right there when needed.

Linda  Thank you for always protecting and planning, as well as posting those flyers before your trip. You are staunch east ballard stuff.

Peter  On Friday night with Garreth, Saturday morning with Cameron and throughout Saturday with Shelby you provide such a great example of the value of family in the community. Then there’s your role as The Catalyst for the 14th Ave NW Park  – awesome sauce! 

Shelby  You are always there with the goods to make the party official. And you are always willing to donate the goods!! You show up and get the job done seamlessly and with great style. Thank you a million times.

Steph  The Admit One hand out you created was a pleasure to give and take away. It did exactly what it was designed to do. Something to hand to visitors in welcoming, something to take away in memory of. You were present with each exchange.

Sue  For working on set up both days; for tidying the planted area; for picking up the balloons; for the lovely bouquet of flowers to mark the Meserole Memorial  – thanks a bunch!

Zack T  Thanks for the Admit One posters that were on the front door to the ‘Land of East Ballard’ and for imbuing the process with laughter and insight.

Zack N  Thanks for responding to the blog call to Help Us Out and ‘stepping up for set up’ on Saturday morning. You were a big help in the SYM category. Stay in touch.


Thank-you neighbors for coming out to play!

And thank-you to you, our neighbors, who joined us for a fun day in the ‘hood! We’ll see you next time!

East Ballard Oktoberfest Sept 26

East Ballard OktoberfestWe guess East Ballard has finally made it on the map when it gets its very own Oktoberfest!

Reubens Brews, Stoup Brewing and Populuxe Brewing Announce First Annual East Ballard Oktoberfest sponsored by Verity Credit Union

On Saturday, September 26th Reuben’s Brews, Stoup Brewing and Populuxe Brewing are bringing a little bit of Bavaria to the East Ballard corridor. The three breweries are hosting a neighborhood Oktoberfest crawl!

The event will kick-off in high, auditory fashion with a traveling Oompah band, The Oompah Machine will be playing at Reuben’s at 2 p.m. They will then will march revelers to Stoup Brewing at 3 p.m. and onwards to Populuxe at 4 p.m.

Since it wouldn’t be Oktoberfest without the beer, each brewery will be releasing a signature Oktoberfest brew, available in individual commemorative steins. Limited quantities of each stein will be available at their taproom locations, $6 empty or $10 filled.

Not to worry, they know that good, ole fashioned revelry requires proper fuel. A food truck will be posted at each location: At Reuben’s, Burgurphenia will be grilling a beer brat made with their Marzen, Das Brat Wagen will be vending signature German fare at Stoup and Peasant Food Manifesto will feature a currywust sausage on a pretzel bun, in the yard at Populuxe.

And since pretzels are second to beer at Oktoberfest, event sponsor Verity Bank will provide pretzel bites at each stop.

“The inaugural East Ballard Oktoberfest will undoubtedly be the beginning of an exciting new Ballard tradition that celebrates one of our most valuable locally-produced resources: beer!” said Ballard Chamber Executive Director Mike Stewart. So break out the lederhosen and get ready to nourish your beer loving soul. You won’t want to miss this Oktoberfest celebration.

Reuben’s Brews, Stoup Brewing and Populuxe Brewing are craft breweries and taprooms in the East Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, Washington.

Reuben’s Brews is located at 5010 14th Avenue NW – Seattle, WA 98107. Hours of operation are Monday-Thursday 3-9pm, Friday-Sunday 12-9pm. For more information,, or call (206) 784-2859.

Stoup Brewing is located at 1108 NW 52nd Street – Seattle, WA 98107 and is open 3-9pm Tuesday through Thursday, 3pm–10pm on Friday; 12-10pm on Saturday and Sunday from 12pm-9pm. Happy Hour is Tuesday through Friday from 3pm-5pm. For more information, visit, or call 206.457.5524.

Populuxe Brewing is located at 826B NW 49th Street – Seattle, WA 98107. Hours are Thursday 4:30pm-9pm, Friday 4:30pm-10pm, Saturday 12pm-10pm and Sunday 1pm-8pm. For more information, visit, or call (206) 706-3400.