Ballard Urban Design and Transportation Open House Nov 18

Over the past ten years, Ballard has seen significant changes from the “sleepy” neighborhood it once was. The area has become denser as it became attractive to younger people and to families with children. At the same time, the job market has changed, but job growth has not kept up with the population growth. The community has overwhelming appreciation for the ability to visit the great variety of shops and restaurants in a beautiful, walkable neighborhood. However, they is also concern that a number of recent high-density projects being built in the area do not contribute to Ballard’s character.

In response to this and Sound Transit’s planning for light rail to Ballard, a Ballard Urban Design and Transportation (UDAT) group was formed to work with the Department of Transportation (SDOT), neighborhood groups, and non-profits, to develop an Urban Design Framework (UDF) and a multimodal transportation plan (Move Ballard). Together they will articulate a shared vision, and strategies that will guide future development and transportation investment while ensuring Ballard’s people and places thrive.

The Ballard UDAT group will be holding an Open House on Nov 18 at Leif Erikson Lodge that the EBCA encourages you to attend to learn what the group has heard from the community and share your comments on draft transportation priorities for all modes in the Ballard Hub Urban Village. Find out about the draft design concepts and evaluation of station locations for potential future high capacity transit. Also, review the draft land use and urban design recommendations.

When: Wednesday, November 18, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Presentation at 6:00 p.m.

Where: Leif Erikson Lodge in Ballard. (2245 NW 57th St.).

What is it? A City and Community partnership to create a vision that will guide new development and transportation investments in Ballard. For more information visit the Ballard Urban Design website and SDOT’s Move Ballard website.

Unable to attend? Presentation materials will be available online at the Ballard Urban Design website following the Open House. Review information online and contact the project planners.

Contact Information:
Aditi Kambuj, Planner
(206) 615-1739

Chris Yake, Planner
(206) 727-8719