Friends of NW 65th Kickoff Meeting Next Saturday

Sue Pierce and David Barnes, both residents of the East Ballard/West Woodland neighborhood, have teamed up to form the new “Friends of NW 65th” group. The group’s mission is to plan and advocate on behalf of the community to improve the quality of life through a clean, safe and economically vibrant NW 65th community between 8th and 3rd Ave NW.

The Friends of NW 65th will be holding their Kickoff meeting this Saturday October 12 at Cafe’ Bambino, 405 NW 65th. Wear your walking shoes and bring your ideas. This is a great opportunity to meet your neighbors, share your ideas and appreciate the community where you live, work and play.

10:00 am    Welcome & Introductions
10:15 am    Walk NW 65th Together
10:35 am    Return to Cafe Bambino for group discussion
11:00 am    Meeting Concludes

Learn more about the Friends of NW 65th at their Facebook page or send them email to

Meet David Barnes
David  was born on Seattle, raised in the Roosevelt neighborhood and has lived in Ballard (West Woodland) since 2002.  He has been a business owner, Chamber of Commerce President and now is a Planner for the City of Kirkland.  David looks forward to making a positive impact in our neighborhood.

Meet Sue Pierce
Sue is a native of Washington State, with family roots that date back to the late 1800’s.  She has held positions in training, sales and marketing and for the last 13 years in employee support.  Sue enjoys connecting people with needed resources and looks forward to supporting the continued success of the neighborhood.

Sustainable Ballard’s 10th annual festival this Sunday


Family-friendly, FREE, and full of surprises, the Sustainable Ballard Festival is celebrating its 10th year in a big way! Test ride an electric bike, sample Ballard craft brews and delicious bites, win prizes, catch some live music on our solar-powered mainstage, press fresh cider, win prizes for “Name That Tool!” and even meet goats, chickens, rabbits, and ducks.  At 1:00 pm, join the Mayor at the mainstage in wishing Sustainable Ballard “Happy Birthday!” with a flourish.  The “Best Fest Ever” features some all-time favorite exhibits, plus more new activities, workshops, and hands-on games than ever before. With more than 75 exhibits, from solar and wind turbine demos to the Citizen Activation Station, the Sustainable Ballard Festival is a fantastically fun opportunity to learn together, get inspired, and discover new ways to live more lightly on the earth.

Also come say hi to East Ballard Community Association folks at the Groundswell NW booth! For more details about the 10th Annual Sustainable Ballard Festival, check out their website.

Update on the 14th Ave NW Park

It’s now September and time for an update on the 14th Ave NW Park. According to the Parks Dept schedule, we’re right on time and completed 30% SIP(Street Improvement Permit) last month. This means that our Parks Dept project manager (Patrick), our landscape architects (Noelle, Sandy and Deb) at Mithun and our Civil Engineer from MayFly (Robin) met with SDOT and SPU to review comments and recommendations for the submitted drawings. Some folks from the EBCA (Peter, Shannon and Dawn) recently met with the super design team for a recap of the SIP Review meeting and were introduced to the proposed changes. We had a very lively meeting and learned that the changes recommended by SDOT were extraordinary and will have a very positive impact on the overall design of the Park.

20 mi/hr speed limit
As we’ve been reporting over the years, 14th Ave NW is an arterial street. The speed limit today is 30 mi/hr. In 2012, SDOT approved lowering the speed limit to 25 mi/hr along this corridor for safety considerations and to reduce the length of the vehicle transition blocks at the north and south ends. Today, we are happy to announce that SDOT is dropping the speed limit along 14th between Market and NW 65th to just 20 mi/hr! Dropping the speed limit will remove the requirement for a block long transition lane from 58th to 59th and again from 61st to 62nd! A Stop Sign for northbound vehicles at 58th with a sign that has you cut over to the left and another similar transition at the north end at 61st may be all that’s needed.

A 3 block bicycle facility
Reworking of the transition at NW 58th opens up the opportunity to safely connect the Park with the new Ballard Greenway, providing up to 3 blocks of a safe bicycle/pedestrian connection between NW 61st and NW 58th! The option currently being examined is to have the bicycle facility run alongside the existing sidewalk so that it has the Park as a buffer from traffic between NW 59th and 61st. The section between NW 58th and 59th would have a buffer as well, just not as wide as the Park.

What’s next?
The folks at Mithun and Mayfly are continuing to absorb the recommendations from the 30% SIP meeting and are working on new drawings, which will be posted here when available. The next step is the 60% SIP review in November where the team will present designs based on all this new information. In the meantime,  mark your calendar for Oct 19 Adopt A Street Cleanup along 14th and stay posted for an opportunity to help name the new Park!


Join the Friends of NW 65th

There’s a small, energized group of neighbors in the NW 65th business district between 8th and 3rd Aves NW that originally came together around the idea of creating a Park (which they’re still actively working on) and are now organizing in a broader sense to bring their community together.

The  “Friends of NW 65th” is looking for energetic and committed neighbors to join their team of volunteers interested in supporting the continued improvement of NW 65th. Volunteers will help organize events and community activities focused on improving this busy corridor between 3rd and 8th Ave NW and the surrounding community.

If you would like to know more about “Friends of NW 65th” or are interested in joining their  group, please contact them at  They are planning an information session and a survey walk on NW65th in the next few weeks and would like to include you! So what are you waiting for? Contact them today and start making a difference in your community.

Ballard Greenway grand opening celebration

With the construction of the Ballard Neighborhood Greenway nearly complete, SDOT and Ballard Greenways are inviting the community to a free and family friendly grand opening celebration. Activities include a Kidical Mass, bike rodeo, Undriver Licensing™ Station, walking tours, and a ribbon cutting.
Saturday, September 7th from 2 to 5 pm along NW 58th St between 20th and 22nd

For more information about the Ballard Neighborhood Greenway project, click here.

Design Review Meeting this Monday for Apodments in East Ballard



Date:           Monday, August 26, 2013
Time:             6:30 p.m.
Location:      Ballard High School Library,  1418 NW 65th St

This coming Monday, the City will be holding a Design Review Meeting at the Ballard High School for a high-density housing solution that is new to our neighborhood, yet exists aleady in other dense neighborhoods in Seattle and around the world. This housing solution is commonly referred to as “apodments” and, in this case, the structure planned for the site in East Ballard at 1426 NW 62nd, would be a 4-story structure with 27 units.

The City has invited the community to attend this Design Review Meeting and if you do decide to attend or provide comment, the EBCA wants to make sure you have all of the facts and understand the topics that are currently under discussion in other communities.

The following is a link from TheStranger to a very in-depth look at “apodments” that explores the pros and cons that are under discussion. It’s an excellent read that gets you up to speed:

Seattle Magazine also printed a very informative article last year here:

The following are detailed links and project description information related to the proposed building in East Ballard:

Land Use Bulletin information:
Permit status:
Property Owner’s Website


The proposal is for a 4-story structure with 27 residential units. Existing single family structure to be demolished.


The Director will accept written comments to assist in the preparation of the early design guidance through August 26, 2013. You are invited to offer comments regarding important site planning and design issues, which you believe, should be addressed in the design for this project.

Comments and requests to be made party of record should be submitted or

City of Seattle – DPD – PRC
700 5th Avenue, Suite 2000
PO Box 34019
Seattle, WA  98124-4019

Pics from August Night Out


8.6.13 August Night Out, a set on Flickr.

Thanks to all who came out for such a fun time on August Night Out. We had tons of food to share, happy faces painted, lots of great live music, farm animals to play with, live art demonstrations to watch, games to play, local programs to get involved in and pirates to mingle with. A lot of planning and preparation went into this event and so we thank our dedicated volunteer crew who made this event so successful.

Burke Gilman Trail Missing Link Open House tonight at Ballard High School

photo credit to

On Thursday, August 8, the Seattle Department of Transportation will host an open house for the Burke Gilman Trail Extension (Missing Link) Project to take comments on the scope and alternatives to be considered in the proposed Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project. Stations at the meeting will include the EIS Scoping process and timeline, existing area zoning, and aerial maps for the public to note how they suggest connecting the Burke-Gilman Trail through Ballard. The meeting will be:

When:   Thursday, August 8, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Where:  Ballard High School Commons
                1418 NW 65th Street, Seattle, 98117

The Missing Link Project would complete the regional trail system running through Seattle, to Issaquah via the Sammamish River Trail and the East Lake Sammamish Trail. Completing the project is the city’s top-rated trail priority as identified by the Bicycle Master Plan.

The August 8th meeting continues outreach efforts for the July 17 – August 16, 2013 public comment period. If you are unable to attend the August 8th meeting, you may also send comments to:

Peter Hahn, Director
Seattle Department of Transportation
c/o Mark Mazzola, Environmental Manager
700 5th Avenue, Suite 3900
Seattle, WA 98104

For more information on the Environmental Scoping Process, click here to view the Environmental Scoping Notice.

The Cascade Bicycle Club also has a web form for providing online comment here.

East Ballard August Night Out is tomorrow!


Everything’s set for tomorrow’s August Night Out, Tuesday Aug 6, 6-10pm on the east side of 14th Ave NW between NW 59th and NW 61st. Bring a potluck item to share, we’ll have a grill set up and other food as well. There will be live music, goats and chickens, lots of games for all ages and face painting for the kids, art with fire demonstrations and so much more!

Don’t forget to bring a donation item for Sustainable Ballard’s program to welcome the Nyer Urness House to Ballard as well.

And bring a dark t-shirt, tote bag or whatever suits your fancy and make your screen print of the EBCA logo.
