Burke Gilman Trail Missing Link Open House tonight at Ballard High School

photo credit to http://www.burkegilmantrail.org/

On Thursday, August 8, the Seattle Department of Transportation will host an open house for the Burke Gilman Trail Extension (Missing Link) Project to take comments on the scope and alternatives to be considered in the proposed Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project. Stations at the meeting will include the EIS Scoping process and timeline, existing area zoning, and aerial maps for the public to note how they suggest connecting the Burke-Gilman Trail through Ballard. The meeting will be:

When:   Thursday, August 8, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Where:  Ballard High School Commons
                1418 NW 65th Street, Seattle, 98117

The Missing Link Project would complete the regional trail system running through Seattle, to Issaquah via the Sammamish River Trail and the East Lake Sammamish Trail. Completing the project is the city’s top-rated trail priority as identified by the Bicycle Master Plan.

The August 8th meeting continues outreach efforts for the July 17 – August 16, 2013 public comment period. If you are unable to attend the August 8th meeting, you may also send comments to:

Peter Hahn, Director
Seattle Department of Transportation
c/o Mark Mazzola, Environmental Manager
700 5th Avenue, Suite 3900
Seattle, WA 98104

For more information on the Environmental Scoping Process, click here to view the Environmental Scoping Notice.

The Cascade Bicycle Club also has a web form for providing online comment here.