Update on Ballard District Council’s Neighborhood Street Fund recommendations

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Thank-you to neighbors who attended the Ballard District Council meeting last week in support of a crosswalk at the intersection of 14th Ave NW and NW 62nd. Although we had a lot of community support, we were up against some very strong competition and did not make the cut.

We are excited, however, that an East Ballard project did make it on the Ballard District Council’s top 3 list to be recommended for Neighborhood Street funds. This project proposes street and crossing improvements at the intersection of 3rd Ave NW and NW 56th St. This is a very awkward intersection (pictured above) for both vehicles and pedestrians (including students on their way to and from school). We’ll keep you updated on the progress of this project as we learn more. Please contact us at eastballard@gmail.com if you’d like to directly help and we’ll connect you with the project group.

To find out more about the other projects that made the list, check out the Ballard News Tribune article here.
