Join your neighbors for 2 upcoming events in support of a new Park at NW 65th and 7th Ave NW


The EBCA is very excited to be supporting the Friends of 65th in their endeavors to create a unique public green space in the heart of the East Ballard business district. This group of neighbors has applied for Seattle Parks and Green Spaces Levy Opportunity funds to purchase property at NW 65th St and 7th Ave NW for public green space. With the density of this neighborhood rapidly increasing and shifting to young families with children, the need for a public green space accessible without crossing a busy arterial is imperative. Continuing in the entrepreneurial spirit of the family that operated Nick’s Boats and Motors on this site for over 50 years, the activity of a Park will support local business which, in turn, will support the community.

The Friends of 65th are now working on building the community support that is needed to convince the City to purchase this property while it’s still available and the owners are willing to sell. Timing is critical and the Friends of 65th are asking you to show your support at 2 very important upcoming events:

Friday January 25, 2013
Preparation Meeting for the Parks Levy Open House
6pm at 6221 5th Ave NW
Join your neighbors, family, and friends for snacks and drinks, talk about the vision of this Park and prepare for the Parks Levy Open House by making signage to be carried and displayed at the  Parks Levy Open House event.

Monday January 28, 2013
Parks Levy Oversight Committee Open House
6pm-9pm at Northgate Community Center 10510 5th Ave NE

We need strong community support for this meeting so that the Levy committee knows that the neighborhood wants the acquisition of this parcel.

If you plan to attend either meeting please RSVP to Carolyn Swenson at  Please feel free to email Carolyn with questions. If you can’t attend either of the above events, but you want to show the City your support, please contact Carolyn and she’ll get you added to their growing list of supporter. You can also stay up to date and show your support on their Facebook page.