Intersection Painting in the works at NW 60th and 11th Ave NW


I had the great privilege of attending a fun community meeting this past Sunday hosted by neighbor, Linda Frank, who has taken the initiative to bring neighbors together to address traffic calming options along NW 60th between 8th and 14th Ave NW.


street activation example


The Wally Bug in Wallingford


We talked about traffic calming, speed bumps, artful signs along the roadways and the possibility of doing a painting in the street at NW 60th St and 11th Ave NW, as well as extending it east along NW 60th and south to where 11th Ave NW jogs south.

We discussed design ideas, which included a fishpond, river with fish/salmon, a transition from birds to bees, similar to Escher artwork, a 3D pothole, and dragon.  Abby has a design in mind and will have a drawing, hopefully for the next meeting.  We looked at pictures from similar projects, as well as chalk designs that are 3D.  We also talked about the projects in Portland, which have features that draw people together – water fountain, play structure, etc.

We also addressed speed bumps – the city asks that those interested attend a

Neighborhood Traffic Safety Meeting
March 17th 2011, Thursday:
Broadview Public Library – 12755 Greenwood Ave N –
The meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and will conclude at 7:30 p.m.

Please let Linda know at if you are interested in attending this meeting with her.

Linda will be asking Christina Legazpi at SDOT about using a 3D picture, street signs indicating children playing, use of fluorescent paint, runoff concerns of paint to Salmon Bay, and if we can seal the painted area.

Linda will also contact Eric Higbee who worked on the Wally Bug project in Wallingford about their traffic concerns after the painting and if their storm drains go through processing or into Lake Union.

The Next 2 meetings will be Wed March 16th from 6:30-8:30p and March 21st at 7pm at Linda Frank’s Home (please contact Linda for the address at or 206-778-3350)

Linda hopes we can finalize the design by the  meeting on the 21st.  The final design needs to be to scale and will then go to SDOT for approval.

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