Fish on 14th!


St Al's art teacher, Ms. Ozubko, shows off designs created by Ms. Babson

In keeping with the nautical theme of Ballard and in honor of our treasured salmon and all aquatic life in our waters, the ebca, the teachers and students of St. Alphonsus School, and The ReStore are collaborating on an art installation due out this Spring in the planters along 14th Ave NW. This project will be funded by the grant we received from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods last year for Planting Partnerships on 14th.


Ms. Ozubko, Ms. Schmutz and ebca's Shannon Dunn going over the details


February 15th was our second meeting with the teachers at St. Al’s to plan out the details and talk about design. The hope is to be able to cut out nautical creatures from tin scraps and have the students paint them and design the layout in the planters. We hope to be able to attach some the fish to metal rods that fit into supports already installed inside the planters. It’d be even better if the fish could spin!

Wanna help out? Here’s how:

  1. Hook us up with some free or cheap tin scraps or metal rods
  2. Help us come up with an ingenious way to install and secure the fish in the planters
  3. Volunteer your time in the classroom when it comes time to decorate
  4. Come celebrate during Adopt A Street Cleanup April 16th from 10am-1pm

Send email to Dawn at

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