Thanks for helping clean up 14th!

Thanks to the 12 brave souls who showed up in the pouring down rain to help us clean up 14th Ave NW last Saturday during our EBCA twice yearly Adopt A Street Cleanup Event. Since it was so wet, we decided to just focus on cleaning up 14th from Market St to 65th. We also put in some back-breaking work to clean up weeds in some of the median ends in preparation for our planter project. Check out more pics from our event here!


Thanks also goes to David Smith at Blowing Sands Glass for offering up his studio to stage our event and to Steve Williams at the Ballard Market for donating breakfast and lunch for our volunteers! If you missed Saturday’s event, mark your calendar for our next Adopt A Street Cleanup Event on Saturday April 17th, 2010.


Another way to help keep your neighborhood streets clean throughout the year is to consider carrying a little trash bag with you when you’re walking your dog or running errands, and pick up trash on your way home.  It’s the small gestures like these that add up to make a really big difference in the end!

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