Opportunity to cash in your pledges at Adopt A Street Cleanup this Saturday


Adopt A Street Cleanup
Oct 17 10am – 1pm

Sign in: Blowing Sands Glass
5801 14th Ave NW

It’s a beautiful October in East Ballard, and it’s time again to help make 14th Ave NW beautiful, too. Please join your neighbors this Saturday for a fun morning spent tidying up the street and cleaning out the medians in prep for the big planter project.

We’re still waiting to hear from the Dept. of Neighborhoods on the status of our grant application (we should be hearing any day now), however, all volunteer hours that go toward our project NOW can be applied toward the matching portion of the grant! This means, that volunteering at the Adopt A Street Cleanup this Saturday will be your first opportunity to cash in your pledges! Plus you’ll get free breakfast and lunch courtesy of The Ballard Market!

If you have any questions, send us an email at eastballard@gmail.com or call Shannon at 206-781-4398.

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