We got the Grant!

I received an ominous letter in the mail last Saturday from the Office of the Mayor that caused my hands to tremble a bit as my husband handed it to me. The letter was so thin, which brought me back to those long ago days of applying for college. You knew it was going to be good news if it was a big package, but those thin little envelopes were always ominous and more times than not  contained that dreaded rejection letter. That’s what I was thinking as a I quickly tore open the letter to just get the anguish over with. I had been sitting on pins and needles for almost 2 months waiting to hear about this grant and the suspense was just killing me! I  unfolded the letter while holding my breath,  and to my relief, the first words were “Congratulations!”. WooHoo!  We got the Grant and the full $14,576 we asked for! We were one of 42 (out of 66) applications to receive this Small and Simple Grant from the Department of Neighborhoods!


Thanks again to Shannon Dunn and Stephanie Shelton for working together, with me, to write this grant and in gathering all of the pledges and donations needed to secure this grant. And thank-you to all of you who made your pledges and to those who’ve already started cashing them in by attending committee meetings and work parties. Your next opportunity to participate in this project will be at our next monthly EBCA meeting Nov 18th 6:30 pm at 1111 NW 60th St.

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