How to get a Neighborhood Block Watch Sign

block watch sign

block watch sign

During the EBCA steering committee meeting last night, the question came up about how to get Neighborhood Block Watch Signs put up in our neighborhood. I emailed Neil Hansen, our north precinct representative, and he  sent me the following guidelines and contacts.

“Block Watch” Sign Installation Guidelines

The following are guidelines that have been established by the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) for neighborhoods for installation of their “Block Watch” Signs from the Seattle Police Department

Before You Install Your Signs, know what is already in the Ground.
Please call 1-800-424-5555 to request the location of all underground utilities before you dig.  They will mark your planting strip for the location of water, electric and gas lines.  Knowing these locations in advance may save your life and save you time and money by preventing an accident from occurring when you dig to install your sign posts.

Checklist to Follow:
Consult with adjacent property owners concerning placement of signs to be installed to have their concurrence on the location.

Call “One-Call” at 1-800-424-5555 for location of possible underground utilities before digging.  (See below)

Signs are to be installed on 4″x 4″ wood posts.  The wood posts must not exceed a height of 9′ from the ground to the top of the sign or a minimum of 3′ below the ground surface.

Signs are to be installed in the planting strip, the signs need to be installed “behind the sidewalk”.

Signs need to be installed a minimum of three feet off the edge of the roadway.

Signs need to be a minimum of twenty feet from any official traffic control signs.

Signs need to be a minimum of fifteen feet from an intersection.

Signs are not to be installed on wood utility poles or City Light metal poles.

Signs are not to be installed in the sidewalk.

Signs are not to be installed with traffic control signs of any type.

If SDOT finds that the signs were installed incorrectly they will be removed by SDOT crews.  The signs will be stored at our Traffic Shop where they can be claimed.  SDOT Traffic Shop is located at 4200 Airport Way S.  Phone (206) 386-1206

Maintenance of the signs will be the responsibility of the Neighborhood Block Watch Group.

Here’s a list of authorized sign makers. I’d say, we should definitely buy local at O’Mega Graphics:

4321 Leary Way NW

Phone: (206) 789-5480

Contact Person: Dan Kehoe

P.O. BOX 4097San Diego, California  92164-9961
(800) 654-5373

0 thoughts on “How to get a Neighborhood Block Watch Sign

    • I’d like to think we could get these put on utility poles, although the instructions the police dept gave me don’t include that option. I was hoping someone would volunteer to call up O’mega graphics to find out how much they cost and how long it would take to get them.

  1. I’m not sure these are the current prices, but I found this information after doing some searching. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, so sorry it took me so long.

    12″ x 18″ = $30.00 each
    18″ x 24″ = $35.00 each
    24″ x 36″ = 50.00 each

    The site mentions that they are aluminum, but I’ve swear I’ve seen a few around town that are made of plastic coated cardboard material. I haven’t found any signs like that for sale, but it might be a cheaper alternative.

    It’s interesting that they always mention that it’s illegal to post these signs on utility poles, but I’ve seen a few installed exactly that way.

  2. Thanks Jason!

    I’m thinking we could present this info at the August Night Out Potluck and ask for donations. Did you by chance call any of the numbers I provided to local sign makers? They may do both plastic and metal signs.

  3. Dawn,

    I called O’mega Graphics & Signs, and the prices are identical to the prices I found except the 24″ x 36″ is now $60. According to the salesperson the 18″ x 24″ ($35) is the most popular, and you can get them customized for free.

  4. Thanks Jason, the $35 sign sounds reasonable. Our next EBCA steering committee meeting is going to be Thurs June 11th ( I need to send out announcements). This would be a good item to put on the agenda.


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