Thank-you neighbors for making our April Day Out event a lot of fun and a huge success!


I just wanted to send a personal thank-you to all of my wonderful East Ballard neighbors who came out on this beautiful Saturday morning to do a little spring cleaning. I counted up the sign in sheets and we had 35 neighbors show ready to don bright orange vests and fill up even brighter yellow bags. We cleaned up all the way from NW 65th down to Salmon Bay, including the medians in just 3 hours! Thanks to the direction of our own EBCA extraordinaire, Shannon Dunn, we also completed a huge task of planting in the new bed on 58th and 14th. As one of our gardeners said, “We just got a days worth of planting done in just a few hours! it’s amazing what we accomplished!” Thanks to everyone for helping out and thank-you tremendously to David Smith at Blowing Sands Glass for hosting our event and to Steve Williams at the Ballard Market for donating yummy breakfast and lunch treats! If you missed out today, then mark your calendar for Saturday October 17th for our next Adopt A Street Cleanup and Planting event! Also, stay tuned for details of our June Day Out Event.

Check out pics on our Facebook page. You don’t have to be a member to view the pics.

0 thoughts on “Thank-you neighbors for making our April Day Out event a lot of fun and a huge success!

    • Hi Nancy,

      I just saw this post from you. I’m still trying to figure out to keep up on the comments section. In response your question, the only way you can access the EBCA FaceBook page is if you’re a member of Facebook. The information on that site is just duplicate of what’s on out blogsite. So you’re not missing anything if you don’t join Facebook. I’m just providing the FB option for folks who like to use it as a networking tool.

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