Steering Committee Meeting This Thursday April 2nd

Hi all, and welcome to the East Ballard Community Association Blog. I’m very new at using this blog as a communication piece for our association, so please bear with me!

In addition to our bi-monthly neighborhood events, EBCA has a small steering committee that not only organizes these events, but  also works on the bigger picture with respect to neighborhood projects and goals.

We try to meet monthly, but I haven’t advertised the meetings very well. Starting this month, I’m making a pledge to hold these meetings more regularly and to encourage more neighbors to join in on the fun! These meetings are  generally held at a neighbor’s home and are open to the public.

This month, we’ll be meeting at my house, 1111 NW 60th St at 6:30 pm.

We’ll be discussing the following:

  1. Planning for April 18th Adopt A Street Cleanup Event
  2. Neigborhood Project Fund applications status and priortization of projects submitted from East Ballard
  3. Status of traffic calming project at 60th and 9th
  4. Grant opportunities for furthering 14th Ave Vision and “Greening of East Ballard” (DON and Office of Economic Development grants)
  5. EBCA outreach plan – Status on working with Christian Williams at UW

If you have any questions, please call or email me.

Dawn Hemminger

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