Ballard Urban Design Framework Open House Nov 6

Building Character, Streetscape and Open Space

November 6 from 5:30 – 7:30 pm at the Ballard Library

The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is working with neighborhood groups and non-profits, organized as the Ballard Partnership for Smart Growth, to develop an Urban Design Framework (UDF). The UDF will establish the desired design qualities for the central Ballard area, and examine how development regulations can better shape growth in ways that reflect those qualities.

At a public meeting this last May, the community expressed their views on the character of growth in the Ballard core. The community overwhelmingly loves that Ballard is a beautiful, walkable neighborhood where one can visit the great variety of shops, restaurants and parks.

However, the community is also concerned that a number of recent high-density projects being built in the area do not contribute Ballard’s character. DPD and the Ballard Partnership’s Urban Design and Transportation Committee have worked since May, to define responses to this central issue.

On Thursday, November 6, from 5:30 – 7:30, at the Ballard Library, DPD will present the initial strategies to better guide development in the Ballard core. Our strategies address the bulk and character of development, streetscape design, and public/private open space within the areas shown in orange below.

Focus Area Map

Visit DPD’s website to get information about this upcoming meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can also sign up to receive updates and an invitation to participate in a questionnaire about our proposals.

You can also contact David W. Goldberg at 206.615.1447, or

Mark your calendar for Adopt A Street Cleanup on Sat Nov 1

2014-04-19 10.14.56

Join your neighbors on Saturday Nov 1 for EBCA’s biannual Adopt A Street Cleanup. We’ve been cleaning up 14th Ave NW since the Fall of 2005 thanks to your help and our incredible volunteers who organize this event. Picking up trash is a lot more fun than it sounds and is something the whole family can do together. This is a great opportunity to make our neighborhood a nicer place to live. Plus you get to wear a bright colored vest!

Adopt A Street Cleanup along 14th Ave NW
Sat November 1,  10am-1pm
Meet over coffee & breakfast snack at Blowing Sands Glass
5805 14th Ave NW

Tidy up 14th Ave NW & care for the planters.
Come dressed for the weather.

Stay and have lunch donated by Ballard Market
contact for more information

Get some good lookin’ pumpkins in East Ballard today from 11-4pm

Saltbox Designs just shared this with us on our Facebook page. Those pumpkins are gonna make great jack o’lanterns in our neighborhood!

“We just returned from Edison, WA with 1,400 lbs of pumpkins and will be SELLING THEM on

Sunday from 11-4
on the corner of 3rd Ave NW and 65th (6526 3rd Ave NW)
$4 each or 3 for $10 (wow thats cheap!)

We also now carry chicken feed from Portage Bay Grange. Open every Sunday 11-4 — at Saltbox Designs.”

Council and Mayor Seek Candidates for Seattle Park District Community Oversight Committee

View from Kerry Park – courtesy City Seattle Council Connections site

Council and Mayor Seek Candidates for Seattle Park District Community Oversight Committee

SEATTLEThe City Council and Mayor Ed Murray are seeking candidates to fill seven positions on the Seattle Park District’s newly created Community Oversight Committee. The Seattle Park District was approved by Seattle voters in August 2014, creating a sustainable and long-term source of funding for the Seattle parks system.

The Community Oversight Committee will provide advice to the Mayor, City Council and the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, as well as provide oversight of projects, programs and services undertaken by the City and the Seattle Park District. The committee will meet quarterly to:

  • Make recommendations on the allocation of the Major Projects Challenge Fund;
  • Hold public meetings and make recommendations to update the next spending plan;
  • Review the Department of Parks and Recreation Annual Report; and
  • Provide the Mayor, City Council and Superintendent of Parks and Recreation with annual reports on the progress of expenditures and projects.

The Committee will be composed of 15 members, seven members of the public (one from each Seattle district), four Board or Commission members to be recommended by Seattle City Boards & Commissions and four members from the Seattle Board of Park Commissioners.  Each will serve either a one, two or three year term, to be determined during the selection process. The City seeks to appoint Community Oversight Committee members with a diversity of expertise and perspectives including, but not limited to parks management, public financing, urban horticulture, landscape architecture, contract management and the interests of low-income and communities of color. The Committee’s first official meeting will be held in April 2015, but members should be available to meet before this date, in early 2015.

The Council and the Mayor are committed to promoting diversity in the city’s Committees. Women, persons with disabilities, members of the LGBTQ community and persons of color are highly encouraged to apply.

To be considered, please send a letter of interest indicating which district you represent and resume by October 20, 2014 to Councilmember Jean Godden, Please title subject line: Oversight Committee Application. Electronic submissions are preferred.

To send a paper submittal, please address to:

Councilmember Jean Godden

PO Box 34025

Seattle, WA 98124

Don’t miss the 11th annual Sustainable Ballard Festival next Sunday


What: The 11th Annual Sustainable Ballard Festival
When: Sunday, Sep. 28, 11am-6pm
Where: Ballard Commons Park
More Info:

Family-friendly, FREE, and full of surprises, the Sustainable Ballard Festival is celebrating its 11th year! Come sample Ballard craft brews and delicious bites, win prizes, catch live music on the solar-powered main stage, watch cooking demonstrations, test ride a cargo bike, make your own green cleaning product, and meet farm animals! Reuse and Recycling is a dominant theme this year, with trash fashion, car-seat recycling, a kids bike and pet parade (we supply the re-purposed frippery), a local coffee cup campaign and more. Some all-time favorite exhibits will be back, plus more new activities, workshops, and hands-on games than ever before. With more than 75 exhibits, the Sustainable Ballard Festival is a fantastically fun opportunity to learn together, get inspired, and discover new ways to live more lightly on the earth.

Submit your proposal for Sustainable Ballard community project grant funding by Sept 5

Sustainable Ballard has been awarded $2,600 to fund community projects in Ballard!!   Thank you to everyone who participated in their outreach activities during Waste Management‘s recent Think Green Challenge to waste less, recycle and compost more…those efforts won our neighborhood a $2,600 grant from Waste Management.

Do YOU have a project idea for Ballard?

Sustainable Ballard is inviting proposals for the $2,600 award money through September 5th, 2014.  Proposals must be for a new project initiated by a Ballard neighbor and benefiting the Ballard community.  You may apply for all or part of the award.  Applicants can be individuals, organizations, or groups; selected projects will be sponsored by Sustainable Ballard. 

Please include the following information:

–> Project description (including how the work will be done in Ballard)
–> Fund amount requested
–> Timeline (project should be completed by June 30, 2015, with a start date no sooner than January 1)
–> Name, phone number, email address and (if applicable) non-profit name and Tax ID number

Submit your proposal to our selection committee by sending an email to  Winners will be announced in October.

Vote on the future of Seattle Parks this Tuesday









There’s a lot of talk for and against a Metropolitan Parks District in Seattle. Become well informed before you vote and read up on the pros and cons. A Parks District isn’t a perfect solution, but it will allow parks and community centers to be open when they are needed, the city will have the resources to address their $267 million major maintenance backlog, and our city will have a long-term, sustainable funding solution for the parks we love today and those of our future. Read up and vote today. Ballots must be mailed by Tuesday August 5th or dropped off in the ballot box outside the Ballard Library. Check here for all ballot drop  box  sites.

Seattle Parks District Resources

Proposition 1  in the Seattle Voter’s Guide

Seattle Parks for All (In favor Prop 1)

Our Parks Forever (Against Prop 1)

Crosscut article for those on the fence

Letter to the Editor in Ballard News Tribune in support of Prop 1

League of Women Voters statement against Prop 1

The Seattle Times Editorial staff against Prop 1

Article from the Urbanist in support of Prop 1



POSTPONED: Small Batch Seattle’s 2nd Event August 10th


Just got a note from Small Batch Seattle that they’re postponing this month’s event:

“We’ve decided to postpone this months Swap until later this summer. It’s been a very busy time of year for all of us, and we feel we can throw a better, more well attended event in late summer/early fall. Thanks for your understanding! We look forward to seeing you at our next swap. We’ll post details in a few weeks”.

Small Batch Seattle is excited to announce that their second swap event will be held August 10! Last month’s event was a great success. Check out some of the pics to see for yourself!  Bring something homemade or homegrown to swap among neighbors, and in return get new items to take home for your own pantry.

While we have had beautiful weather, the group is  scouting out venues for future swaps that will allow them to continue trading through the rainier seasons.  If you know of anyone that would like to host an event (public space, art gallery, store, etc) please let them know!

Where: Kirke Park in Ballard (7028 9th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98117)
When:  Sunday, August 10 at 2pm
RSVP Required:

What to expect:
Bring as many or as few items as you want, packaged into portions of ~$5-10 amounts for easy swapping. You can bring any homemade/homegrown consumables like baked goods, jams, fermented foods, natural sodas, yogurt, grown vegetables, etc.  You’re encouraged to bring ingredient lists and samples of your items to try where practical. Non-edible products (soaps, services, art, etc) will be accepted on a case-by-case basis; please email so you can talk about your items.

This will be a fun, casual event where we can exchange goods and ideas. The event is expected to take about 2 hours. You’re welcome to bring friends and family and forward this along to others, but only those that bring items to swap can participate. You must RSVP via email for each participating attendee as table space is limited.

More information can be found on their website at:



Ballard Neighborhood Greenways Open House Aug 7


In March, SDOT hosted a public meeting and gathered valuable input on building a north-south neighborhood greenway in Ballard from Salmon Bay to Soundview Playfield. From their evaluation and the input received, SDOT is recommending a new greenway along 17th Avenue NW from NW 90th Street to Russell Avenue NW and along NW Dock Place between Russell Avenue NW and Ballard Avenue NW.

To learn more about the Ballard Greenways project and about the proposed greenway along 17th, check out SDOT’s website  and then come join your neighbors at the Ballard High school next Thursday Aug 7 from 6-7:30 pm for the Ballard Neighborhood Greenways Open House.