Vote on the future of Seattle Parks this Tuesday









There’s a lot of talk for and against a Metropolitan Parks District in Seattle. Become well informed before you vote and read up on the pros and cons. A Parks District isn’t a perfect solution, but it will allow parks and community centers to be open when they are needed, the city will have the resources to address their $267 million major maintenance backlog, and our city will have a long-term, sustainable funding solution for the parks we love today and those of our future. Read up and vote today. Ballots must be mailed by Tuesday August 5th or dropped off in the ballot box outside the Ballard Library. Check here for all ballot drop  box  sites.

Seattle Parks District Resources

Proposition 1  in the Seattle Voter’s Guide

Seattle Parks for All (In favor Prop 1)

Our Parks Forever (Against Prop 1)

Crosscut article for those on the fence

Letter to the Editor in Ballard News Tribune in support of Prop 1

League of Women Voters statement against Prop 1

The Seattle Times Editorial staff against Prop 1

Article from the Urbanist in support of Prop 1