14th Ave Adopt A Street Cleanup Next Saturday

4.17.10 Cleaning up the neighborhood

ebca April Day Out
Adopt A Street Cleanup &
Planter Art Installation
Saturday April 16 10am-1pm

at Blowing Sands Glass
5805 14th Ave NW
(Rain or Shine!)

Come join your neighbors next Saturday April 16th for a fun morning of picking up trash, weeding and pruning along 14th Ave NW. What a great feeling of accomplishment to count the number of full trash and compost bags and admire a nice clean street! Oh, don’t forget the free food and drink from the Ballard Market too! We’ll supply all the tools, reflective vests and gloves you’ll need. If you’re coming to weed, bring your favorite tools. We’ll also be installing the awesome fish artwork that the students at St. Alphonsus School have been making for the planters. They’re really going to brighten up the street!

Come dressed for the weather, cause this event will be held rain or shine! Don’t forget to bring your Ballard Market receipts you’ve been saving up to support the Planters! This will also be your last chance to fill your pledge for the Department of Neighborhood’s Planting Partnerships on 14th Matching Grant!


Are you willing to give up convenience for safety?

Michael Harthorne, formerly of the Ballard News Tribune and now working for KOMO,  posted an article on the Komo News Ballard Blog about a recent SDOT report on pedestrian/vehicle fatalities in Seattle over the last 5 years, titled “Mapping Seattle’s deadliest streets”.

14th Ave NW is unfortunately on this map and lists the only fatality in Ballard. This post brought my thoughts back to the tragic accident that happened a little over 3 years, on December 13, 2007 when Agnes Meserole was hit by a vehicle while posting a letter at the mailbox installed in the median at NW 58th and 14th Ave NW. Although I had never met Agnes, she’s a daily reminder to me as to why I continue working so hard to make our East Ballard community stronger and safer. Agnes’ death brought the community together to move the mailbox out of the median. It’s new location around the corner may not be as convenient, but we know it’s much safer.  The community also came together to work with SDOT to implement crossing improvements at the intersection at NW 58th, including an elevated crosswalk and curb bulb extensions to slow down traffic at the intersection. The crosswalk was dedicated to Agnes in 2008. The median improvements took away a few parking spaces, but now drivers are more aware of pedestrians at the intersection.

Today, the community is a step closer to transforming the full length of 14th Ave NW from NW 65th to the ship canal into a Park Boulevard. I know there will be detractors to this change, because of potential conveniences lost. I’m just hoping that as we embark on our conversations with the Parks Department, SDOT, and members of our community in designing the Park Boulevard, that we go into this process with an open mind. This project has the potential to bring  greatness and lasting goodness to our community, but only if we can be willing to sit back and look at the big picture. This may mean giving up certain conveniences that may seem  impossible to live without today. I know I’m ready to do this for the chance to keep 14th Ave NW off of any future maps of Seattle’s deadliest streets. Are you?

February Night Out on Parks and Planters – A Great Success

For those of you who weren’t able to attend our big community meeting last week, I’m going to give you a quick synopsis to get you up to speed on what’s happening in east ballard and encourage you to share your input.

On the evening of February 18th, Maureen Reid, the principal of St. Alphonsus school welcomed the ebca and over 35 neighbors and city staff from Parks, the Dept of Neighborhoods and Sally Bagshaw’s office to the ebca’s February Night Out community meeting on Parks and Planters. Many thanks go to Maureen for hosting our event, the Ballard Market for feeding us, Nervous Nellie’s for the caffeine and neighbor, Robert Matisse for the yummy homemade cake! A lastly, thanks to Derek for taking the pics!

Shannon got the ball rolling by introducing herself and the speakers for the evening, and jotting down questions from the audience on issues they wanted to have us discuss. Here’s the list, along with answers!

I was the first presenter. I started off by explaining what the east ballard community association is all about. For those of you new to the ebca, check out the “What is ebca?” Tab. I then provided a quick recap on the goals of the Planting Partnerships on 14th Ave NW Project. Mark Saturday April 17th on the calendar for the big planting day and Adopt A Street Cleanup. We will also have work parties beforehand to prepare the planter sites and will need to gather up trucks and vans to pick up the planters a week before hand. We got a lot of volunteers for trucks, thanks neighbors!

Peter Locke, the original visionary of the 14th Ave NW Park Boulevard project, then presented the overarching vision for 14th Ave NW and some local history concerning how it got to be what it is today.  Did you know there was a footbridge built in the 1880s crossing Salmon Bay along 14th?  Did you know that in 1890, the first trolley bridge went in and tracks were laid along 14th? The parking medians we have today are where the trolley used to run and why this street has 100′ right of way.

I then jumped back in and talked money. Where can it come from? We’re hoping Acquisition funds from the Seattle Parks and Green Spaces Levy set aside for a park in the Ballard Urban Village. We’re also vying for opportunity funds from the same levy in competition with 149 other projects. Additional sources of funding we are seeking could come from Department of Neighborhoods and Seattle Department of Transportation. If you are aware of any other funding we could seek out, please contact me!

Zack Thomas then shared with us ideas on how we could use Parks funding to implement 2 blocks of the Park Boulevard Vision between NW 59th and 61st. This includes 3 different possible road configurations to think about and possible elements and activities the park could provide.

After the presentation, everyone had a chance to provide input on what type of road configuration they prefer and put a dot on types of activities and elements they’d like to see in the park. We’ve posted the responses on our site and encourage YOU to add your 2 cents via the comments section of this post or email me at eastballard@gmail.com.

Oh, and don’t forget the celebration beers afterward!