14th Ave Adopt A Street Cleanup Next Saturday

4.17.10 Cleaning up the neighborhood

ebca April Day Out
Adopt A Street Cleanup &
Planter Art Installation
Saturday April 16 10am-1pm

at Blowing Sands Glass
5805 14th Ave NW
(Rain or Shine!)

Come join your neighbors next Saturday April 16th for a fun morning of picking up trash, weeding and pruning along 14th Ave NW. What a great feeling of accomplishment to count the number of full trash and compost bags and admire a nice clean street! Oh, don’t forget the free food and drink from the Ballard Market too! We’ll supply all the tools, reflective vests and gloves you’ll need. If you’re coming to weed, bring your favorite tools. We’ll also be installing the awesome fish artwork that the students at St. Alphonsus School have been making for the planters. They’re really going to brighten up the street!

Come dressed for the weather, cause this event will be held rain or shine! Don’t forget to bring your Ballard Market receipts you’ve been saving up to support the Planters! This will also be your last chance to fill your pledge for the Department of Neighborhood’s Planting Partnerships on 14th Matching Grant!


0 thoughts on “14th Ave Adopt A Street Cleanup Next Saturday

  1. Hi East Ballard CA,
    Just trying to reach or check in with Shannon about the extra Durastone planters she may still have in her backyard and want to get rid of. I was driving by about a month ago when you were filling them on 14th and was wanting to take an extra one off of your hands. Let me know if it is still available or not.

    • Hi Lori. We’re working right now to give the planters to the Ballard High School and St. Alphonsus School so we can keep them visible in the neighborhood and continue our collaboration with the schools as were part of the intent of the grant the helped us obtain these planters.. If that doesn’t work out, we’ll give you a call. In the meantime, here’s a link to info on the specs of the planters (They’re Dura Art Stone Dresden planters): http://www.duraartstone.com/products/planters/dresden.php. You might be able to contact the company to see where you could find one in Seattle.


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