Join us for East Ballard Night Out


This will be EBCA’s second year in a row celebrating August Night Out on 14th Ave NW along the site of the future park and our 9th year celebrating August Night out in East Ballard. This year we’ll be celebrating on Tuesday August 6 from 6-10 pm on 14th Ave NW between NW 59th and 61st. So take a stroll through the neighborhood that night and join friends and neighbors for great food thanks to Shelby Locke at Foodz Catering. The folks at Seattle Farm Supply will be bringing goats and chickens for the kids to check out and for the adults to learn about how they can set up their own in-city farm. Blowing Sands Glass will be setting up art demonstrations for all to enjoy. Our own East Ballard resident band “Seeing Blind” will be performing a set of original music. Join in on games for all ages. Bring an item to screen print the EBCA logo on and while you’re going through your closets, select a donation item to help the EBCA and Sustainable Ballardextend a warm welcome to the new Ballard residents at Nyer Urness House.

When you arrive, be sure to check-in at the EBCA booth to pick-up your nametag and passport. Get your passport stamped at 3 activity stations and be eligible to win a $100 gift certificate from The Ballard Market! We’re looking forward to seeing you at this year’s event and as always, if you’d like to help out with this event or any in the future, pleasecontact us and we’ll get you in on the fun!

East Ballard Superheroes

14th Ave SuperHeros

Stephanie and Shannon were out on 14th Ave NW the other day adding new compost to the planters when they ran into this crew raking back gravel for bike safety at NW 59th! Brittany is the fearless leader. It was superhero week at their camp and they were out doing good deeds! Thank-you Brittany and her superhero crew for making our neighborhood safer and to Steph and Shannon for making our neighborhood more beautiful. Thank-you for inspiring us all to be superheroes in our own community!

Update on the East Ballard Rain Gardens


Thank-you Cari Simson, Project Manager and Research Faculty at Antioch University and project coordinator for the East Ballard Rain Gardens for the following update:

Thanks to the great group of East Ballard neighbors and the EBCA, who have been shepherding this process along, we have selected a stretch of 11th Avenue NW between NW 56th Street and NW 58th Street for a series of roadside rain gardens. In March we conducted soil drainage tests (infiltration) and found very quick-draining soils in the project area. Over the Summer we will submit our complete permit package to SDOT, including the engineering drawings.

This Summer we will work with homeowners to select plants and trees for the roadside rain gardens. Stay tuned for many volunteer planting opportunities this Fall!

Later this summer, many homes in this area of E. Ballard will also be eligible for rain garden or cistern rebates through the RainWise program– stay tuned for this exciting opportunity!

What ARE roadside rain gardens?

Our small natural drainage projects will be engineered to absorb and filter the roadway runoff through swales that will drain quickly to prevent ponding, and divert any heavy storm flows back to the street and into the catch basin.

Polluted runoff – what’s the big deal?

The area known as East Ballard contributes approximately 2 million gallons of polluted runoff to Salmon Bay each year.  Imagine three Olympic sized swimming pools filled with roadway runoff!

Polluted runoff starts as clean rainwater that then comes in contact with toxins in our built environment, such as vehicle exhaust particles that settle on the ground, oil leaks, pet waste, garbage and other chemicals that end up on our roads, parking lots, roofs or other hard surfaces and flows into the nearest catch basin, which collects runoff underneath the drains found on most street corners.

Most of East Ballard’s North-South oriented catch basins connect into one big pipe that empties into Salmon Bay near the Fred Meyer store, with no treatment or filtration.

Polluted runoff enters the food chain and affects the health of marine creatures and the people who eat fish or shellfish.

Neighborhood history – the “11th Avenue Creek”

We learned from residents that an historic creek used to run parallel to 11th Avenue NW, from above where Ballard High School football field is down to Salmon Bay next to where the Fred Meyer store is located today. There are anecdotal stories about catching large salmon in the creek in the early 1900s.

We are working with the University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences to research additional details about the historic creek. Please contact us if you know anyone who might have photos or stories about the creek! We are interested in creating and sharing the oral histories.

We are also planning a neighborhood history tour this Fall that will highlight our research about the 11th Avenue Creek locations, East Ballard historical sites, and local natural drainage projects.

What is East Ballard Greenstreets?

In an effort to improve urban water quality and neighborhood livability, The Russell Family Foundation awarded Antioch University Seattle with funding to site, design and build demonstration roadside rain gardens in the East Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. The goals of our grant are specifically focused on reducing flows of polluted runoff to Salmon Bay, which connects to Puget Sound through the Ballard Locks. We are interested to learn how citizens choose to get involved in clean water efforts, specifically local natural drainage improvement projects that also provide street beautification, traffic-calming, tree canopy increases, and other goals.

The East Ballard Community Association (EBCA) is our neighborhood partner, and we welcome any residents from the area to get involved and help coordinate the design and construction process with the East Ballard property owners.

For more information, please contact Cari Simson, Project Manager and Research Faculty at Antioch University: / 206-234-5102

Learn more about the project on our Facebook page:

14th Ave NW Park Project is on the move

courtesy of Sally Bagshaw’s site – drawing by Mithun. click image to see full size pdf.

It’s been a long time since we’ve provided an update on the 14th Ave NW Park. In truth, not much at the community level has been happening. It’s all in the hands of the city right now. The EBCA has  been staying in touch with our Parks project manager, Patrick Donohue, who attended a recent EBCA monthly meeting and he answered a few burning questions.
When’s the park going to be built?
This is the 10 million dollar question. According to the schedule we now have in hand (and available on our website here),  the 14th Ave NW park is scheduled to break ground mid July 2014 with completion planned for January 2015.
This may feel like a really really really long time from now, but if you delve into the city process and all the i’s that have to be dotted and t’s to be crossed, this schedule feels make-able and the EBCA will do everything we can to work with the City to help keep this project on track.
What’s happening right now?
We have a schematic that our designers, Mithun and Mayfly Engineering have created that outlines all the work that’s proposed with respect to the major structural  revisions that affect the street. This is the stuff that Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) wants to see and must approve through their SIP (Street Improvement Permitting) process . The Parks Department  submitted the designs to SDOT at the end of May with the goal of reaching 30% SIP by the end of July. If all goes as planned, we’ll reach 100% SIP by April 2014.  As we learn more about what happens during these phases, we’ll share.
How will the 14th Ave NW Park be funded?
Legislation will be presented in front of the City Council’s Parks and Neighborhoods committee to approve transferring acquisition funds allocated for a Ballard Urban Village Park  in the Seattle Parks and Green Spaces levy to be used for development. More details about funding were provided in an earlier post here.
When do we get to design the park amenities?
We’ve held community meetings in the past to define what our community would like to have in the Park and much of the current design reflects these basic desires, yet we’ll have more opportunities after SIP is complete to come back together as a community and refine the details.
How can I become involved?
The EBCA will be hosting August Night Out on August 6 from 6pm-10pm on 14th Ave NW between NW 59th and NW 61st where the Park will be. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for more details.
How can I stay up to date?
Attend our monthly meetings on the 4th Thursday of every month at 7:30pm. contact Dawn at for location.
Subscribe to the blog to get email updates when there are new posts.
Checkout the Parks Dept website and our own park page
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East Ballard events this weekend

Join us for 3 East Ballard-related events going on this weekend that should fit right into your last minute plans! Bring your friends and family and enjoy life in the neighborhood! Click here to view the latest EBCA Newsletter detailing these events. 

Also ark your calendar for August 6 at 6PM for EBCA’s Annual August Night Out along 14th Ave NW between NW 59th and 61st. More details to come. Check out last year’s event photos to get an idea of what you have to look forward to this year!

Stroll & Sip June 27th with Feet First and the EBCA

Feet First Presents Stroll & Sip: Join us for a close up view of exciting new changes happening in Ballard

On Thursday, June 27th, join some friendly folks from Feet First and the East Ballard Community Association at Reuben’s Brews for one or all of the following:

  • Quench your thirst with a tasty beer

  • Take a short stroll to learn about walkable Ballard

  • Enjoy yummy food 

Thank You Thursday at Reuben’s Brews

reubensbrewsSeattle is home to great neighborhoods, great bars, and great brews. They all come together at Reuben’s Brews in Ballard, a homegrown — originally home-brewed — operation giving back to the community with Thank You Thursdays. Stop by Reuben’s Brews on Thursday, June 27th, any time between 3pm and 8pm and $1 of every pint* will go to Feet First. With a dozen beers on tap, including their award-winning rye ales, and the Cheese Wizards food truck waiting just outside, giving has never been more delicious.

Take a walk through Walkable Ballard

east ballard community association

If you would like to join us for a stroll to learn about walkable Ballard, meet us at the brewery at 6pm. Feet First and The East Ballard Community Association are joining forces to take you on a free, short (a little over 1 mile) stroll around some East Ballard neighborhood features making Ballard an even more walkable and vibrant community:

Stop 1: Ballard Rapid Ride
Stop 2: Ballard Neighborhood Greenway
Stop 3: 14th Ave NW Park
Stop 4: Gilman Playground
End: Reuben’s Brews

If you’d like to join for the walk, please sign up here: to help us manage the number of people and make your experience more enjoyable.

Hang around after the walk for EBCA’s monthly meeting at Reuben’s Brewery at 7:30pm

Thank You Thursdays on June 27 supports Feet First and gives you a great opportunity to hang out with other folks from the neighborhood. Plus, take advantage of the opportunity to become a Feet First member. When you join at Thank You Thursdays at the $30 level,  you’ll receive a Feet First T-shirt (that is a $20 savings!).

We look forward to seeing you there!


Lots of buses stop within a couple of blocks of Reuben’s:15X, RapidRide D Line, 17X, 18X, 29, 40, 44, 61, and 62.

*Every pint $5 and over.

Photo of Reuben’s Brews above generously provide by Suzi Pratt, a Seattle-based photographer and writer. Learn more about her work at

2013 Ballard Classic Home Tour this Sunday

photo courtesy of Laura Cooper/Ballard Historical Society from NW Home Magazine article

This year’s Ballard Historical Society Home tour will be featuring vintage Ballard residences of unique character and modern livability. Built by skilled craftsmen, these modest homes exemplify lasting quality that continues to support generations of Ballard families. This event happens only once every three years and is not to be missed in 2013.

Buy tickets for 2013 Ballard Classic Home Tour

When: Sunday June 23rd, 2013 from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. Tickets $20. All tickets are will-call only. Exchange your tickets beginning at 9:30 AM day of tour for a brochure with locations.
Where: Tour starts at Sunset Hill Community Clubhouse, 3003 N.W. 66th St., Ballard.

About the Tour
The Ballard Classic Home Tour is BHS’ biggest fundraiser, which enables the organization to take part in community projects; present free informative lectures related to Ballard’s History and maintain its archives.

About the Ballard Historical Society
The Ballard Historical Society was formed in 1988 and is dedicated to the celebration and preservation of the unique history and culture of Ballard, Washington. The society is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization that provides community and educational programs and maintains an extensive photo archive.

About Ballard
Ballard was a separate city until 1907, when it was annexed to Seattle. Ballard had its own city government, complete with City Hall and Mayor. Ballard Historical Society’s photographic archives, with over 1,000 images, document this interesting history.

Alternative Ticket Outlets
Tickets will also be available for purchase by cash and check at local Ballard businesses starting June 1st, 2013: REStore, Secret Garden Bookshop, Johnson & Johnson Antiques and Sunset Hill Green Market. A limited number of additional tickets will be available day of the tour, June 23, at the Sunset Hill Community Clubhouse. Please note all tickets must be exchanged for the tour booklet on June 23 beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Sunset Hill Community Clubhouse, 3003 N.W. 66th Street.

For more details, check out BHS’s event page.

Mayday Mayday, Seattle Neighborhoods, amateur radio volunteers and you train for earthquake preparedness this Saturday

photo by Dennis Galvin. Peggy Sturdivant, Laura Cooper and Jeff Cohen participate in “Ballard Prepares” emergency training in January.

9 AM – 12 PM
Loyal Heights
Community Center
2101 NW 77th St

Cheryl Dyer/206-684-4052
Linda Frank/206-778-3340

Ballard Prepares, the very dedicated volunteer group of Ballardites who brought us free emergency first aid training back in January, will be staging a simulated catastrophic earthquake event this Saturday, May 11 from 9am-noon, to test our neighborhood’s emergency preparedness skills.  Linda Frank, our East Ballard rep for Ballard Prepares and emergency preparedness guru, will be participating and is encouraging strong participation from the East Ballard contingent. If you’re interested in joining Linda or learning more about this event, give her a call at 206-778-3350 or just show up and get prepared!

More Details
Neighborhood emergency preparedness groups across Seattle assisted by two amateur radio emergency communications teams will test their skills Saturday in an exercise based on a simulated catastrophic earthquake. This exercise titled Mayday, Mayday is the spring version of this semiannual event. The goal of this exercise is to practice preparedness and response actions that will contribute to community resiliency in surviving a significant disaster.

An estimated 125 people from disaster preparedness groups and volunteer response teams including the Public Health Reserve Corps and  ham radio emergency communications teams will participate in the event. The amateur radio teams are sponsored and trained by the Seattle Office of Emergency Management. Their purpose is to provide emergency communications when cell and landline phones become overloaded or damaged due to catastrophic events.

The scenario for the event is based on the impact of the 6.3 magnitude, 2011 Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand applied to the Seattle area.  That disaster took the lives of 185 people and severely damaged the central city buildings and infrastructure as well as causing massive destruction to its suburbs.

Responding to Saturday’s simulated disaster event are community volunteers forming neighborhood “Hubs”.  Participants have practiced solving neighborhood problems that could occur during a disaster, responding to needs affecting life and property, sharing community resources, and reporting simulated emergency messages to the Seattle Office of Emergency Management using ham radio.

“In a real event, information communicated by ham radio from the Hubs could be used by City response planners to help assess conditions throughout the city and develop response plans”, said Cindi Barker, a member of the design team for the exercise. Exercise designers have built in some twists and turns involving communications networks and several challenging issues at Hub sites which will develop during the three hour training event.

These exercises provide an opportunity for preparedness new-comers to work alongside their more experienced neighbors to gain experience and learn skills.  “It’s all about neighbors helping neighbors” said Carl Leon, one of the drill organizers.  “We set up neighborhood Hubs where people can come to get information and share resources or skills to help those that have been affected”.

Seattle Auxiliary Communication Services (ACS) amateur radio teams will set up portable, battery powered radio networks at neighborhood Hub sites providing communication links with the City and to other Hubs.  Messages will be transmitted on ham radio systems using both voice and digital formats.  Computers are connected to send and receive e-mail like documents.

The second participating ham Radio group is the Western Washington Medical Service Team (MST).  Its purposes are to provide emergency communications to and from area hospitals and medical facilities in the Seattle area, as well as coordination with the City EOC regarding hospital readiness during this drill.

The Public Health Reserve Corps of Seattle and King County will be participating for the first time, offering both ham operators and medical professionals at the Hubs. “Our goal is not to set up medical care, but to learn how the community connections are made and where we can fit in during a disaster. Our priority is to help stabilize people and move them into the established medical system”, said program manager Dave Nichols of Public Health.

Participating Hub locations include Ballard, Beacon Hill, Broadview, Capitol Hill, Fremont, Lake City, Loyal Heights, Magnolia, Maple Leaf, Queen Anne, Shilshole, Wedgwood and West Seattle. All Hub locations welcome visitors and people who would like to learn and participate in emergency neighborhood preparedness during this drill.

For more information about preparedness – please visit:

Seattle Emergency Management:
Community Emergency Hubs:

For more information about amateur radio – please visit:
Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service:
Western Washington Medical Service Team:
ARRL the national association for Amateur Radio:

For information about the neighborhood Hubs:

Join us for a “Jane’s Walk” through Ballard this Sunday

2013 Ballard Jane's Walk

Jane’s Walk: Celebrating Ballard’s Urban Diversity Past & Present
Sunday May 5,  10am-noon
Meet up at 5805 14th Ave NW (Blowing Sands Glass)
Finish up at Ballard Farmer’s Market.

Feet First, The East Ballard Community Association and the Ballard Greenways group are teaming up to host this very first 2 hour guided walk  on May 5 from 10am-noon through Ballard to celebrate the birthday of urban thinker, Jane Jacobs. Learn how Ballard’s past and present work together to support a lively neighborhood that includes a mix of residential and commercial pockets supporting where people live, work and play.

The walk will start at the site of the soon to be 14th Ave NW Park Blvd, which when completed will run along the old trolley line. We’ll stroll parts of the proposed Ballard Greenways and along the way, we’ll introduce the project “Threading the Needle”, which provides an important connection to the waterway. Get a close up view of the new Greenfire campus and how this development is playing an important roll in supporting people of all ages through transit oriented development. Also learn about at the Ballard Centennial Bell Tower, which was created to hold the old Ballard City Hall bell at the site where the City Hall stood, and marks the Ballard Avenue Historic District.We will end at the popular Ballard Farmers’ Market at noon and participants will be invited to continue the conversation over a no-host lunch.

Click here to learn more about this walk and all of the other Feet First Jane’s Walks this Saturday and Sunday throughout Seattle.

Great support for a Park on NW 65th today, plus another chance to show your support this Monday


Lots of neighbors  came together at Cafe’ Bambino this afternoon to show their support for a Park at the corner of NW 65th and 7th Ave NW (the former Nick’s Boat shop site).  The neighborhood has been steadily growing in support around the idea of a Park in their arterial quadrant of East Ballard (8th Ave NW to 3rd Ave NW, NW 65th to Market St) that currently has no Park. The neighborhood group “Friends of  NW 65th” has applied for Parks Levy Opportunity Funding to purchase the property, but they haven’t ranked well. There’s one more chance to improve those rankings at the Open House this Monday April 22nd by showing that there’s an active neighborhood and strong community support behind this Park. Carolyn Swenson and Nicole Bradford will be presenting in support of the acquisition of this property for park space and could use your presence to stand up with them in support.  If you plan to attend please  arrive close to 6pm,  and seek out Carolyn and Nicole.

If you have any questions about the status of this project or if you would like to read the proposal for the lot at NW 65th and 7th that was submitted please let Carolyn know and she can email it to you along with the current ranking.
Public Hearing on Project Funding Recommendations
6 – 9 p.m. 
Miller Community Center 
330 19th Ave E
Seattle, WA 98112