14th Ave NW Park Project is on the move

courtesy of Sally Bagshaw’s site – drawing by Mithun. click image to see full size pdf.

It’s been a long time since we’ve provided an update on the 14th Ave NW Park. In truth, not much at the community level has been happening. It’s all in the hands of the city right now. The EBCA has  been staying in touch with our Parks project manager, Patrick Donohue, who attended a recent EBCA monthly meeting and he answered a few burning questions.
When’s the park going to be built?
This is the 10 million dollar question. According to the schedule we now have in hand (and available on our website here),  the 14th Ave NW park is scheduled to break ground mid July 2014 with completion planned for January 2015.
This may feel like a really really really long time from now, but if you delve into the city process and all the i’s that have to be dotted and t’s to be crossed, this schedule feels make-able and the EBCA will do everything we can to work with the City to help keep this project on track.
What’s happening right now?
We have a schematic that our designers, Mithun and Mayfly Engineering have created that outlines all the work that’s proposed with respect to the major structural  revisions that affect the street. This is the stuff that Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) wants to see and must approve through their SIP (Street Improvement Permitting) process . The Parks Department  submitted the designs to SDOT at the end of May with the goal of reaching 30% SIP by the end of July. If all goes as planned, we’ll reach 100% SIP by April 2014.  As we learn more about what happens during these phases, we’ll share.
How will the 14th Ave NW Park be funded?
Legislation will be presented in front of the City Council’s Parks and Neighborhoods committee to approve transferring acquisition funds allocated for a Ballard Urban Village Park  in the Seattle Parks and Green Spaces levy to be used for development. More details about funding were provided in an earlier post here.
When do we get to design the park amenities?
We’ve held community meetings in the past to define what our community would like to have in the Park and much of the current design reflects these basic desires, yet we’ll have more opportunities after SIP is complete to come back together as a community and refine the details.
How can I become involved?
The EBCA will be hosting August Night Out on August 6 from 6pm-10pm on 14th Ave NW between NW 59th and NW 61st where the Park will be. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for more details.
How can I stay up to date?
Attend our monthly meetings on the 4th Thursday of every month at 7:30pm. contact Dawn at eastballard@gmail.com for location.
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