Ballard Corners Park Work Party this Saturday

The Friends of Ballard Corners Park invite you to a work party at Ballard Corners Park (17th Ave NW & NW 63rd Street) this  Saturday, June 28th from 9am – 12 noon, rain or shine. This will be a short and sweet work party (am only) with an aim to get the spring weeds under control. If you have your own gloves and weeding tools please bring them. Any questions, please contact Gabriella: or (206) 782-3238. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Sustainable Ballard’s 6th Annual Edible Garden Tour this Saturday




Now in its 6th year, Sustainable Ballard’s Edible Garden Tour has been an inspiration to hundreds of gardeners every June. This fun walking/biking tour highlights neighborhood gardens, planting strips, containers, raised beds, chickens, bees and all sorts of creative edibles from fruit trees to berries to veggies galore. Each year, the tour visits a different quadrant of Ballard. Northwest Ballard will be featured this year.

Sustainable Ballard’s 6th Annual Edible Garden Tour
June 28, 2014 10am-3pm
Purchase tickets and map $10/person (kids are free) at 
Ballard P-Patch/Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church parking lot
NW 85th and 25th Ave NW, on the day of the tour.

for more information, visit Sustainable Ballard’s Edible Garden Tour Event Page

Ballard Open Space Plan Discovery Day June 14 plus other ways you can participate


Potential open space doesn’t have to be a park, it could even be spaces between buildings. Be creative!

Thank-you to the many who turned out for the Ballard Open Space Plan Open House last week. We got a lot of interest, great recommendations on your ideas for open space in Ballard, many surveys were completed and volunteers signed up to join us on Discovery Day June 14. We’d like to add you to the list of volunteers and there are multiple ways you can help that’ll fit your schedule!

Before embarking on 1 or more of these activities listed below, be sure to get an overview about the Ballard Open Space Plan first. It’ll help better inform you on what you’ll be asked to do.

  1. Take 10 minutes to fill out a  survey
  2. If you have a smartphone, download our app to capture your ideas for open space, including pictures! This is a great tool to use when walking the dog, walking to the Farmer’s Market or just a great excuse to get out an explore your neighborhood at your own pace.
  3. Don’t have a smartphone? download a pdf inventory sheet for your neighborhood from this site, fill out as many as you like and contact us at so we can collect them or mail them to  Groundswell NW, PO Box 17163, Seattle, WA 98127. Here’s a direct link to the East Ballard/West Woodland Inventory sheet.
  4. Join us for Discovery Day on June 14, 10 AM at Ballard Commons Park where we’ll split up into neighborhoods and discover opportunities for open space together! Folks from the EBCA will be leading the East Ballard/West Woodland group, so we’re looking forward to seeing you there! Want to get really committed, then sign up here at VolunteerMatch or click on the VolunteerMatch icon below so we can keep you updated as the event day approaches.

[VolunteerMatch - Where Volunteering Begins.]

Ballard Open Space Plan Open House May 29

Members of the EBCA are collaborating with Groundswell NW in creating a Ballard Open Space Plan. This open house on May 29th, 6PM at the Ballard Library, will be a great opportunity for you to provide your input on the importance of green space in Ballard and to help generate ideas on creative ways to create open space and improve existing open space within our community. Bring yourself and your creative mind to this unique event. It’s on the same day as the big Ballard Bike Street Party, so make it a community rich evening by attending both events! To learn more about the Ballard Open Space Plan, check out



Get Rainwise – Free workshop May 31

Get RainWise – Free Workshop hosted by Sustainable Ballard

Saturday May 31 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 6512 – 12th Ave NW, enter from NW 65th; parking available in lot.

Register Here

  • Find out about RainWise Rebates – a City of Seattle program that will pay up to 100% rebate for rain gardens and cisterns on your property.  Check here to find out if you are eligible.
  • Learn how rain gardens and cisterns help manage storm water and protect Puget Sound.
  • Hear from property owners who have already taken advantage of this great program!
  • Meet RainWise-trained contractors who can create beautiful rain gardens and cistern installations and walk you through the whole process.
  • See a variety of examples of RainWise installations.
  • Get your questions answered! RainWise might even be able to help you with a wet basement.

The City just made it super easy to have a block party

This week Sally Bagshaw shared some great news from  Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT).  They have made it easier for neighborhoods to close streets for a fun event including block parties, sporting days, school fun runs and more.  SDOT has created a no-fee street permit process that can be readily attained to close neighborhood streets so long as the street is not an arterial nor a bus route.   

So there’s nothing stopping you now!  Go online today and get started on planning your next neighborhood event! Don’t forget to share your event with the EBCA and we’ll post it on our site.

Details on how to register your event are here.

Practice Drill May 17 for Seattle Emergency Communications Hubs

For we East Ballard folks, our Emergency Communications Hub will be at Gilman Park, 923 NW 54th St. Neighbors are getting together May 17 from 9 to noon for a practice drill. You get to play a citizen in need and give our new hub volunteers on-the-job training! Check out the flyer below for more details. Contact Cindi Barker at for more details. What’s an emergency hub? Check here for more info.



A new schedule for the 14th Ave NW Park


A new schedule from the Seattle Parks Department for the 14th Ave NW Park is hot off the presses.

Here are some of the schedule highlights…

Early June 2014 – Submittal of drawings for 60% Street Improvement Process (SIP)
Mid September 2014 – Submittal of drawings for 90% SIP
Early December 2014 – Submittal of drawings for 100% SIP
Late December 2014 – Put out bid for contractors
Early April 2015 – Begin construction
Late September 30, 2015 – Construction complete!

If all goes as planned, we’ll be having a big celebration in our new Park by next Fall!

Paul Dorpat on Wednesday, May 14 for Measuring Ballard and Beyond

Paul Dorpat Speaks at BHS Event

It’s less than a week away! Paul Dorpat and Jean Sherrard join us for a talk on how a myriad of roads lead to (and from) Ballard on Wednesday, May 14, 2014. We know you’ll enjoy their pictorial lecture of Chittenden Locks, the Ship Canal, bridges and trollies, the former Ballard-Port Ludlow ferry and beyond.

So please make plans to join this community event, co-sponsored by Sunset Hill Community Association. Help us spread the word:

What: Lecture and Q&A session with book sale following. Refreshments too!
Who: Paul Dorpat and Jean Sherrard of Seattle Now and Then
When: Wednesday, May 14, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Where: 3006 NW 66th Street, Seattle, WA 98117
Suggested donation: $5-$20

About Paul Dorpat: Beginning in 1982, Seattle historian and photographer Paul Dorpat published the “Now & Then” column in The Seattle Times: Pacific Magazine. The column originally compared two photographs, “repeating” a view of downtown Seattle taken in 1919 at Pike Street and 4th Avenue with a view of the identically located but very different Pike Street and 4th Avenue taken in 1981. Dorpoat continued this series of Seattle photographs — her streets, lakes, docks, buildings, bridges, hills, regrades, visitations, and occasions.

Jean Sherrard: Jean Sherrard has worked as an actor, writer, director, photographer, teacher, carpenter and private detective. Co-founder of the Globe Radio Repertory, he wrote and directed scores of radio plays for National Public Radio. His photos and articles have been featured in numerous publications.

Visit Sunset Hill Community Association Web site for accessibility information, or call SHCA at 206-784-2927.

Check out our pics on HistoryPin, featuring BHS archives:!photos/list/