Thanks for helping us clean up 14th!

2014-04-19 10.12.06

It started out as a beautiful morning and our 17 volunteers got off to a quick start, splitting off duties between picking up trash and cleaning out the memorial median and adjoining rain gardens. Thanks to the Ballard Market, we were fueled well with fresh coffee, bagels, cream cheese and lunch meats. Sam, one of our volunteers even brought us a fresh plate of snickerdoodles and brownies (Yum!). Thanks to our many years now of keeping 14th clean, our volunteers reported a very light load this year (even south of Market St). Thanks to all the rain, the weed count made up for the lack of  trash! Dave failed to get his weed eater to work, so we had to leave the medians for a later date. If anyone out there has a gas powered weed eater and some time on their hands, please feel free to attack those median weeds between NW 59th and 63rd! Thanks for a great time and even after the rain started coming down hard, folks stuck around to finish up their jobs and we all huddled under the tent to chat and eat cookies! What a great bunch of neighbors! Thank-you and mark your calendar for Oct 18 when we plan to do it all over again.

Check out our Flickr page for the rest of the pics from the day.