Help an East Ballard resident with his thesis

We at the EBCA, recently met with fellow East Ballard resident, David Knaut, who is working on his thesis through German University FU Berlin (Free University of Berlin). German you may wonder? Yes, David and his wife moved from Germany to East Ballard about a year ago and David is working on his Diploma thesis at the Department of Geography. David is currently researching the history of Ballard and is particularly interested in the social changes that have occurred in the Ballard neighborhood. He would greatly appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to complete his online questionnaire at:

This short 7-10 minute anonymous questionnaire will help David  show who the people of Ballard are. The results of this anonymous survey will be aggregated and individual responses will not be used or revealed in this research. The information provided will be strictly confidential and will not be used in any commercial matter.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact David via email at

David thanks you for your help.