Meserole Memorial Dedication


The Meserole Memorial Median, at 14th Ave NW & NW 58th St, is the culmination of two years of planning and untold hours of effort from your East Ballard Community Association neighbors, in collaboration with parishioners from St Alphonsus. A beautiful bronze plaque was installed in the south end of the newly planted median creating a beautiful and sacred space in our community.

On Sunday May 20 a ceremony, officiated by Father Dan of St Alphonsus Church and Peter Locke of the EBCA, marked the touching dedication of the Meserole Memorial Median.

Three days of thorough hand weeding by Lori Twietmeyer, Shannon Dunn, Dawn Hemminger, and Steph Shelton cleared the median for Dirt Exchange topsoil and mulch delivery followed by the installation of 80 new plants on Saturday. Thanks to Sarah for planting help.

Landscape designer Stephanie Shelton donated her services choosing drought tolerant groundcovers and grasses that will soon blanket the median in a lovely natural palette of greens. (Less hard labor weeding when we next meet at Adopt-A-Street clean up in October!)  She also made an exquisite arrangement for a standing vase that was placed by the new plaque for the ceremony. A bronze plaque, commemorating Agnes Meserole’s loving life and service to her community, was designed by Peter Locke and deftly set in concrete by Bob Serwold. Many thanks to Kim Serwold for keeping the endeavor moving forward and on track.

Shelby Locke of Foodz Catering donated delicious frittata and bundt cakes and Nellie’s Coffee donated -what else? – coffee. Blowing Sands Glass Studio, once again, offered the hospitality of a beautiful (dry) space in which to meet with neighbors and get to know each other. Schematic drawings of the new 14th Ave NW Park were also on display.

When you have a chance to stop and enjoy the completed median, imagine how proud you would feel having given your time or money to create such an asset to our community. Join the EBCA in future projects intended to enhance the beauty and increase the safety of our little corner of the world.

Shannon Dunn is a co-chair of the EBCA and newest contributor to the East Ballard Community Association blog.

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